Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

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Posted: April 16, 2015

MATH 8L-Question 8 and 9 Science 8-test end of next week

Posted: April 15, 2015

Math 8L-Today we learnt two new ways to multiply fractions.   The methods involve reducing the fractions before we multiply.-We also looked at how to check our work by estimating.   Place the fraction on a number line and use the closest whole number (nombre entier) in the multiplication.-See notes below-Question 7 for homework. Science 8E1 and 8L1 - Students will have next class to finish their lab write up on flow rates. Science 8E2-Students completed their flow rate lab in class today.-Review packet for next test was handed out.   We will work on it   in class next class. 

Posted: April 14, 2015

Math 8L-Worksheet on section 3.2 due tomorrow.-notes posted below. Science 8L2-Review booklet was passed out today for our next test.   We worked through the first half of the booklet.-Test is one week from today (day 1)-We also did our taux d'écoulement lab were we learnt that viscosity and flow rate are opposlites.   A big flow rate indicates the liquid has a low viscosity.  We will finish the lab sheet next class (day 5)

Posted: April 13, 2015

Math 8l-Worksheet due Wednesday. Science 8L2-Lab tomorrow on taux d'écoulement Science 8L1-We will finish lab tomorrow.
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Posted: April 10, 2015

taux d'écoulement 2015         Science 8E1-next class we do our tauc d'écoulement lab.  Bring cookie sheet.-Skills test in two weeks time Science 8E2-Lab sheet due next class.-We will be prepairing for our skills test all next week Math 8L2-review sheet due Monday-3.2 worksheet given out today and will be due Tuesday Math 8L1-Review sheet due Monday-P. 113 Q 6, 7abc and 10 for homework  

Posted: April 8, 2015

Math 8L1 and 8L2-Review sheet is due Monday.-8l2 started section 3.2 of text.  Test passed back.  Parents need to sign the test.-8L1 did not have class as we had hands free cpr training. Science 8E2-lab on density tower today in class. Science 8E1-We had a TNB play today and did not have class.Tests passed back and they should be signed for next class.    

Posted: April 7, 2015

Students did a lab today where they created a density tower.   Students layered water and salt water to see how it would affect an egg.   As students added salt they were able to see how adding salt particles changed the density of the liquid and the effect that it had on the egg.

Posted: April 7, 2015

Science 8-Read chapter 6.  This will help to build vocabualry for our discussions in class.-notes below-Check out the pictures from our lab today at the following link.  Math 8L1 and 8L2-Finish questions from section 3.1 on multiplying fractions.    P. 109 Q 7, 8, 10 and 16-See notes below

Posted: April 2, 2015

Students worked on their science skills today by determining the density of their objects from home.  

Posted: April 2, 2015

Science 8L1We were in the lab today finding the density of our objects.   See pictures from today's class at the following link: Math 8L1 and 2-Finish question 5 and 6 from 3.1-notes posted below.   We have started our new unit on N6 (multiplying and dividing fractions)
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