Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

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Posted: June 6, 2016

Mah 8E1

Today, we wrote our Math district Benchmark

Sciences 7E1

We continued our unit on mixtures and pure substances and scavanged for assignements that may not have been handed in.

Sciences 7E2

We went over the lab we had done on Thursday and began he unit on mixtures and pure subsances.

Sciences 8L

We coninued our exploraion of water systems and scavenged for assignments that may not have been handed in. Notes posted below.

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Posted: May 31, 2016

Science 7E1

-We did a lab today to start our new chemistry unit.


Math 8E1

-We continued to study for the district benchmark.  We went over our mental math strategies, pedmas, and pythagorean theorem.  Students should continue to review their work at home this week.

Science 8

-We took time to organize our notes.  We reviewed our 200 skill outcomes.   We talked about how to write multiple choice questions.  We practiced how to write testable questions.    Students are encouraged to review their test from this year.

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Posted: May 30, 2016

8E1 sstudents will write Math district assessment Monday June 6th.


Science 8 students will write their district assessment in class this week.   8L writes Wednesday and 8E1 and 8E2 write Thursday.

Posted: May 19, 2016

Math 8E1

-Today we did a lot or review and corrections.   Many students have been away for school actitivites.    Notes are posted below.

-Extra help this week is day 1 during student enhancement.

-Work was passed back.  (some students will get it tomorrow as they were at web leaders).


Science 7

-Presentations on heat are due.   This is the closing of our unit.   We will start solutions and mixtures next week.   It is a great unit to end the year with.

PDF icon may_19th_math_8e1.pdf4.78 MB

Posted: May 18, 2016

Math 8E1

-We corrected the first side of the review sheet for module 2.  See notes below.

-Students had time to work on questions P.186 Q 4 to 7 and 9 on rectangular prisms.


Science 7

-Today we had a work period.  Students did their demonstrations.  They had time to write hypothesis and conclusions.   We will have the first part of next class to finish the good copy of the poster (materials given to students).   We will start presentations next class. 

-Rubrics of how the project will be marked have been given to students and discussed.   A copy is posted below.

Posted: May 17, 2016

Math 8E1

-P186 Q 4 to finish

-notes posted below.  Today we worked on finding the surface area of rectangular prisms.


Science 7E1 and 7E2

-Students were put in groups today and given their demo.   We will work on developing there presentation next class.


Science 8E1 and 8L

-Egg lab sheet should be passed in.  

-Taux d'écoulement lab was picked up.

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Posted: May 16, 2016

Math 8E1

-Today we corrected our work on finding the surface area of a cylinder. 

-Homework is for students to complete the review sheet on module 2.


Science 7L

-Students were put into groups for their demo project. Groups and  topics were assigned.  Students will have 1 more class to work on the presentation.


Science 8L and 8E2

-We did our flow rate lab today.   Student are to complete the lab sheet for next class. 

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Posted: May 13, 2016

 Math 8E1

-No class today.   Some students asked for a link to a tutorial for finding the surface area of a cylinder.   One can be found at this link.


Science 7E2

-Explain how a hot air balloon works.


Science 8E1

-Finish lab write up.


We had a presentation this afternoon.

Posted: May 12, 2016

Math 8E1

-Today we learnt how to find the surface area of a cylynder.   Students are to complete questions from their book for a our next class Monday.

-Review sheet was handed out for module 2 (integers).  It is attached below.   This should be completed for Tuesday.  Students may come to extra help on Monday during student enhancement if they need help on this assignment.   We will be doing review assignments to prepare for our end of the year assessment.


Science 7E1

-Finish paragraph on hot air balloons.


Science 8L

-Today we learnt about viscosity and flow rate.  We reviewed how to write questions and procedures.  We also went over variables.   We will be in the lab next class.

Posted: May 10, 2016

Math 8E1

-We had some good discussion around our graph presentations today.

-We will start surface area tomorrow.

Science 7L/ 7e2

-Students are write a summary of how fire can jump rivers and roadways for homework.


Science 7E1

-No homework.

-Today we did a demonstration in class and visited the team heritage fair.



Posted: May 9, 2016

Math 8E1

-We will finish the presentations next class.

Science 7E1

-Students are to finish their entry about how fire can jump a river or roadway.

Sciene 7E2

-Continue to review conduction, convection and radiation

Science 8

-Students wrote their test today.  No homework.


Posted: May 3, 2016

Science 7E2

-Today we learnt about how heat can be transfered.  Notes are posted below.

-We also spent some time using Senteo responders to check our understanding.

Science 8E1 et 8E2

-We were in the lab today developping our understanding of what makes object flote or sink.  Students worked in groups to test their theories.  Students should complete the lab form so that we can bebrief.

-Test next class on density.  Extra help is day 3.


PDF icon may_3rd_science_7e2.pdf4.21 MB

Posted: May 2, 2016

Math 8E1

-We continued to work on graphs.  Notes posted below.  Homework will be checked tomorrow.  p. 397 Q1 to 6

Science 8L

-We corected our density sheet.   We will be in the lab next class.  Test will be next week.


Science 7E1

-We learnt about heat transfer today in class.  Notes were handed out.  They are included in the attachment below. 

PDF icon may_2nd_science_7e1.pdf4.24 MB

Posted: April 28, 2016

Math 8E1

-The project <<La chasse aux diagrammes trompeurs>> is due Monday May 9th.   The rubric of how it will be marked was discussed in class today.  We modified it as a class to allow students to work individually or in groups of 2 or 3.  The final version is posted below.   Happy hunting!  :)

 Science 7L

-Today we learnt about radiation, conduction and convection.  Notes are posted below and a worksheet was handed out to explain the three ways energy can travel.

-Students can read their text to help build vocabulary p.200-2005 and 227-236.

Science 8

-We learnt about Achimedes today.

-We reviewed for our next test.  We spent time looking at how to make good strong conclusions.   We should use general statements, use our data to support our statements and summarise what we have learnt.

-Our next test will be 2 classes from now.

-See notes below.

Posted: April 27, 2016

Math 8E1

-We started our data management unit today.  We looked at different types of graphs and discussed what data would work well with each type of graph.  We reviewed the terms for discrete and continuous data and gave examples of each.

-Homework is page 387 Q 3.

-Notes posted below that highlight the sections of the text we looked at together.

-Algebra test are marked and students were shown their marks.  They will not be passed back to take home until all students write.   If you would like to know your child's mark please email me.  angela,

Science 7

-Students wrote their test today.

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