Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

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Posted: December 4, 2012

Math 7L Notes are below and homework is from the book.   Studnets have an assignment due Thursday on fractions.   Science 7E2 -study for test Monday on chapter 7.   Students have a review sheet. -Lab sheets should now be passed in.   Science 8 -Students need a calculator for class. -Notes posted below.  Assignmet due next class.  A copy of the assignment is attached in the notes.    

Posted: December 3, 2012

Bilame: Students working with a bilame   Math 7L We are working on subtracting fractions.  Students are to finish questions from the book.  All signed test should be returned. Math assignment on fractions is sue Thursday.  A copy of this assignment is attached below.   Sience 7E2 -Corrected work passed back to be signed. -Test will be next day 4 -Side one of review sheet due friday   Science 7E1 -Side one of review sheet due tomorrow -Test next day 4
PDF icon dec_2nd_math_7l_assignment.pdf524.57 KB
PDF icon dec_2nd_math_7l.pdf818.03 KB

Posted: November 28, 2012

Please be patient as I have been having some computer difficulties.   Math 7L -We have started working with adding and subtracting fractions (module 5).    Science 7L Quiz friday on thermometers.   Worksheet due tomorrow.   Science 7E2 Quiz Friday on thermometers   Science 8E and 8L2 -Quiz tomorrow on particle theory   Science 8 All students need a calculator for class from now until Christmas.

Posted: November 20, 2012

Science 7L Test tomorrow.  Students may use their notes.   Math 7L Finish making your fraction bands   Science 8E Pulse lab write up due.
PDF icon nov_20th_science_chapter_2_review.pdf447.16 KB

Posted: November 16, 2012

We had a fun morning skating.   Science 7E1 and 7E2 see notes posted below.

Posted: November 13, 2012

Math 7 Module 3 test Thursday   Science 7E1 and 7E2 Test Thursday
PDF icon nov_13th_math_7l.pdf186.61 KB
PDF icon nov_13th_science_8.pdf1.6 MB

Posted: November 8, 2012

No homework. Today in Math we worked on order of operations and percent.                   Science 7 test will be Thursday.
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PDF icon nov_8th_science_7e2.pdf2.87 MB

Posted: November 7, 2012

 HMS and Science East are proud to present…*ILLUMINATE!*Here at Harkins Middle School!This THURSDAY 6-8:30pmCome, learn, experience, and discuss careers and opportunities in SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICSAll students, family and community members welcome!     Math 7L We worked on percent today.  No homework   Science 7E Test will not be tomorrow.  Continue to review.   We had a presentation today and need another class to review before the test.    
PDF icon nov_7th_math_7l.pdf158.57 KB
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Posted: November 6, 2012

Math 7L We are working on order of opperations with decimals.   Test will be passed back tomorrow.  Homework to finish questions on page 109 Notes posted below.   Science 7 review for test   Science 8E Self and group evaluation due next class.    
PDF icon nov_6th_math_7l.pdf96.46 KB

Posted: November 5, 2012

Math 7L no homework   Science 7L test next Monday.  Crossword is NOT for homework.   Science 7E1 and 7E2 Test Nov 8th   Science 8 Good presentations today.  More to follow.  8L2 no homework.  8L1 have a self and group evaluation paper to complete for next class
PDF icon oct_31st_math_7l_0.pdf4.82 MB

Posted: November 1, 2012

Math 7L -Questions from page 106 see notes below -test Nov 5th on multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting decimals.  This will be the last test before the report card and their will be no rewrite due to time. - all parents should have seen and signed the duotang of corrected work.  It is due back to class.   Science 7E2 -test Nov 8th -review crossword posted below - all parents should have seen and signed the duotang of corrected work.  It is due back to class. extra help day 3   Science 7E1 -test Nov 8th - all parents should have seen and signed the duotang of corrected work.  It is due back to class.   Science 8L1 and 8L2 -Group project due Nov 5th -Marking rubric is posted below.  Tomorrow is the last work period. - all parents should have seen and signed the duotang of corrected work.  It is due back to class.   Science 8E -Project is due Nov 6th - all parents should have seen and signed the duotang of corrected work.  It is due back to class.

Posted: October 31, 2012

Please take a look at the photos from today.  We had an informative tour of the MSA fish hatchery.   Math 7L Notes posted below  
PDF icon oct_31st_math_7l.pdf4.82 MB

Posted: October 29, 2012

Please take a look at the pictures from the field trip to the MSA fish hatchery.  7L had the change to help in a conservation project.   Science 8 Class time is being given to work on the medical project.  All work is to be done in class in goups.  Participation, use of time and use of French language are all apart of the evaluation process.  Students are to save their work to a memory stick at the end of each class.

Posted: October 26, 2012

7L will leave at 8:30 Monday to go to the MSA fish hatchery.  Please make sure to have permission slips returned.  Students should dress for the weather as part of the morning will be spent outside.  Rubber boots come in handy when we are washing the fertilised eggs.    Science 7 review packet of notes   Science 8 We have started our next project that will be done entierly in class.  Studnets will be marked on their use of French and their use of time in class.
PDF icon oct_24th_science_7e2_0.pdf1.12 MB
PDF icon oct_25th_math_7l.pdf4.18 MB

Posted: October 24, 2012

Grade 7 need to sign their MSA field trip form and return it to school.   7L trip Oct 29th 7E1 and 7E2 Oct 31st   Math 7L today we worked on multiplying decimals.  Question 2a is for homework   Science 7 Projects are now due   Science 8 We will be starting our next project.   Work will be done in class and students will be marked on their participation and use of the French Language.  
