Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

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Posted: May 31, 2012

Math 7E  Study mental math.   Some work was passed back today.   We will do a practice test tomorrow in class.   Science 7 no homework   \ Science 8 Finger print labs 1 and 2 are due.
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Posted: May 29, 2012

More photos were added to the heat and finger print lab galleries.   Math 7E Students should be going over their notes from this year.   Students should also be reviewing Mental Math.  Quiz for Mental Math tomorrow.   We have covered all material for the year and are now reviewing in class.   Science 7 We are finishing up our heat labs.   Science 8 Tomorrow we will be lifting finger prints.   Please bring a mirror to class.  
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Posted: May 24, 2012

A lot is happening on the red team this week!   Fish Friends trip is this Saturday.  We leave from the school at 9am.  Parents are responsible for the transportation of the students who are involved in this project.   Grade 7 field trip to Camp Sheldrake forms are due back with the 10$.  Please give to homeroom teachers.   Photo galleries were posted with pictures of what is going on in science.   Take a look at all the fun and interesting things we are doing.   Science is alive on the red team  :)   I will not be in tomorrow so no homework will be posted.  Students should make use of their agenda. Math 7E In class Mental Math assignment tomorrow.   Today we learned about coordiantes.   Question 6 is for homework.  

Posted: May 23, 2012

Math 7E Students should be reviewing their mental math at home each night.   A mental math assignment will be given in class Friday May 25th.   Science 7 Students should be working in their groups to present their heat project.  Students will need to bring some materials from home.  Pictures will be posted so that parents can see all the fun stuff we are doing in Science!   Science 8 We are starting a mini unit on CSI.   Today we discussed finger prints.  Notes are posted.
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Posted: May 17, 2012

Math 7E Mental math stategy books were sent home tonight with 7E.  Parents are to practice one to 2 startegies a night with their child.  Sample questions and answers are provided as examples.  A copy of the book is attached below.  It is in English for parent use. Students will have both a French and English copy of the exam in June. Students need to make sure they have a Math set, and calculator for all Math classes.   Students will not be allowed to share them during the exam in June.   Science 7E and 7L1 Notes below.   Study for test next week.   Science 8E1 Review sheet was due today.  Title page with new words is now past due.
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PDF icon mental_math.pdf4.1 MB

Posted: May 16, 2012

Anyone wishing to do a re-write can do it tomorrow at lunch.  Bring your lunch   Math 7E Finish questions we were working on when the bell rang   Science 7 Notes below.  Test next week   Science 8 Title page is now due.
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Posted: May 10, 2012

Math 7E Finish pink sheets Science 8 Finish district exam today.  No Homework. Science 7E test tomorrow.   We introduced conduction today and reviewed for the test.   Science 7L We demoed >.  See photo.    
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Posted: May 9, 2012

Math 7E We continue to work with Mrs. Vienneau.   Finish booklet for tomorrow   Science 7E Test Friday.  See notes below   Science 8 Part 2 of district assessment tomorrow.
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Posted: May 7, 2012

Math 7E Mrs. VIenneau is working with the class this week to review for the district assessment.   Please finish the questions from today for homework.   Science 7L1 h   Test on changes of state tomorrow   Science 7l2 Test May 9th   Science 8 DISTRICT ASSESSMENT STARTS TOMORROW.
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Posted: May 1, 2012

Math 7E Finish circle diagram from class   Science 7 notes posted below   Science 8 Re-write tomorrow at lunch Homework questions are below.   Read section 10.1 of text.

Posted: April 30, 2012

Duotangs will go home this week to be signed   Math 7E Complete table.   Science 7E Study notes on states of matter.   Science 8 Re-write day 4 at lunch
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PDF icon april_30th_science_7.pdf3.93 MB

Posted: April 25, 2012

Math 7E Finish quesions.   Review for test Friday   Science 8E1 8E2 8L Test friday on cha 7 and 8   Science 7L1 and 7L2 Test Thursday

Posted: April 3, 2012

Math 7E Today we reviewed Circumference, diameter and radius.   We also did area of rectangles.   Notes below.   Science 7L1 We corrected our worksheet today.   Quiz on temperature and parts of microscope nest class(Thursday).   Science 8 We were in the lab today.   Lab report was passed in.   NO HOMEWORK
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Posted: March 29, 2012

Work has been passed back   Math 7E We will be working on Module 4 tomorrow.   Science 7 Students should be working on title page Students have posted some pictures from our trip.  Please take a look.   Science 8 P232 Q 1,3 and 6 Title page due day 5 (day 1 for 8E)  
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Posted: March 27, 2012

Math 7E We did a can activity today.     Science 8 Notes below.    Science 7L Notes below
