Posted: November 1, 2012
Math 7L
-Questions from page 106 see notes below
-test Nov 5th on multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting decimals. This will be the last test before the report card and their will be no rewrite due to time.
- all parents should have seen and signed the duotang of corrected work. It is due back to class.
Science 7E2
-test Nov 8th
-review crossword posted below
- all parents should have seen and signed the duotang of corrected work. It is due back to class.
extra help day 3
Science 7E1
-test Nov 8th
- all parents should have seen and signed the duotang of corrected work. It is due back to class.
Science 8L1 and 8L2
-Group project due Nov 5th
-Marking rubric is posted below. Tomorrow is the last work period.
- all parents should have seen and signed the duotang of corrected work. It is due back to class.
Science 8E
-Project is due Nov 6th
- all parents should have seen and signed the duotang of corrected work. It is due back to class.