Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: February 10, 2016

Math 8E1

-Last students wrote the test so I hope to have it returned tomorrow before the end of the day.

-Homework is to finish Q 6, 7, 8, and 9 from section 5.1 of text.

-Notes are posted below.



-All students should have typed the planning stage of the project.   They should have typed their conclusion and steps.  They should be working on the conclusion.

-Students should be working on the project at home this week.  Computer time is limited at school and work will need to be done at home.

-Extra help continues to be day 3 during studnet enhancement and day 6 after school from 3 to 4 pm.

Posted: February 9, 2016

An update to let parents know what part of the STEM fair project their child should be working on this week.

Posted: February 8, 2016

This week students are collecting data and drawing conclusions.

Posted: February 8, 2016

Math 8E1

-Next class we start our unit on percentage.



-Students should have the good copy of their variables, steps, hypothesis, and question typed and edited.  They should have performed their project and colected their data.  This week students will have some time in class to write their conclutions.    Students should be bringning in their poster bards to work on in class.   Remember to edit your work before placing it on your poster board.




Posted: February 4, 2016

Posted: February 4, 2016

Grade 8 ski trip tomorrow.  :)

Take a look at the work two of our red team students are doing for their STEM fair projects.  It is nice to see the students putting science into action.  Great work Girls!  Bravo!!!!

Math 8E1

-We did our test on PEDMAS with fractions today. 

Science 8

-Today I conferenced with groups about the planning phase of their STEM fair projects.

-Students also had time to work on their optics assignments.

Science 7

 -Today we reviewed our work on soil formation.  Homework is to finish the second side of the worksheet to check their understanding of the knowledge outcomes.

-We began to look at volcanoes and how they are formed.


PDF icon feb_4th_science_7e1.pdf2.53 MB

Posted: February 3, 2016

Math 8E1

-We did a practice test today in class.  Students stayed at extra help until all their corrections were done on the practice test.  Remember that a good way to study for Math is to try questions we did in class as you have the answers to check your work.  The text book also has a practice test and answers are in the back of the book.


Science 8L and 8E2

-We reviewed what conclusions should look like for our STEM projects.   A check list was handed out.

-We continued our work on optics and lenses and looked at some eye conditions and how we correct them.


Science 7L

-We finished our work around soil formation.

-We learnt about volcanoes, adn earthquakes.  We watched a video and saw that they form around the plates.


Students should be "doing" their project this week as we will begin writing our conclusions next week.  Projects due last week of this month.

Posted: February 1, 2016

Math 8E1

-Test Thursday on order of operations

-Q 9, 10 and 12 for homework.


Science 8

-We have gone over what should be in a conclusion.  Students should be "doing their project this week.

-In class we continue to work on our understanding of light rays in our optics unit.


Science 7E1

-Today we had a work period.  Students should have their Observations for Monday when we will start to work on our conclusion in class.

PDF icon feb_1st_math_8e1.pdf134.7 KB
PDF icon feb_1st_science_8l.pdf3.26 MB

Posted: January 28, 2016

Math 8E1

-No class due to assembly


Science 7

-We learnt about what should be included in our STIM fair project conclusion.  Notes posted below.  Check list given.

-Students should be doing their experiment at home this week.

Posted: January 27, 2016

Math 8E1

-We started order of operations today.  Q 6 and 7 of section 3.9 is for homework.


Science 8L

-Lab sheet due next class.


Science 8E1

-Complete optics worksheet.


Science 7

-We reviewed in class today.  Homework is to complete Q 8 and 9 from the packet and read the appropriate sections of chapter 10.


PDF icon january_27th_math_8e1.pdf126.25 KB


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Jun 16 2016


Added: Thu, Apr 28 2016