Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

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Posted: January 5, 2016

Math 8E1

-We are starting module 3 on fractions.   Today we reviewed material students should know surrounding fractions.

-Fraction worksheet was passed back for students to make corrections as we review and learn the material.  


Science 8L and Science 7E1

-Today we discussed the difference between a science fair and a stem fair.   Inovation projects were explained.   Student projects must use two domaines (science, technology, engineering and math).

-We will work on picking our topics and developping testable questions.

Posted: January 4, 2016

<p>What we are working on this week in science.</p>

Posted: December 9, 2015

Math 8E1p. 98 q 21 a, c and 22 a, c Science 8-Test next class

Posted: December 8, 2015

Math 8E1-Benchmark Friday-Correct mistakes from unit test.-Math test passed back. Science 8-Test nest class.-Lab sheet is now due Science 7-Test
Binary Data dec_8th_math_8e1.notebook9.7 MB

Posted: December 7, 2015

Math 8E1 -District benchmark test is Friday day 1.Science 7-Test is Wednesday day 5. Science 8-Test is Monday day 2.  Open book test so organize your notes before you come.

Posted: December 3, 2015

Due to problems with wireless homework notes were not poseted Thuesday and will be posted below. Math 8E1-no homework Science 8-Notes from chapter 3 are posted below.-Test next week will be open book.  It is important to develop good note taking skills. Science 7E1-Work was passed back to be signed.-Test on Day 5-Finish review crossword for homework. 

Posted: November 30, 2015

Science 7-Test will be next day 5- Assignment(practice test of content outcomes) was given out today. Math 8E1-Practice test is due tomorrow.  We will correct it as a class.  Come prepaired to ask questions.-Test Wednesday.
PDF icon nov_30th_science_7.pdf257.29 KB

Posted: November 28, 2015

Friday we dissected owl pellets. The students used reference materials to determine what bones they had found. This allowed them to gain information on the ecosystem and the interactions between the animals. The students were engaged and having a lot of fun learning science.

Posted: November 27, 2015

Math 8E1-test on N1 will be wednesday.  Monday we will do a practice test.-Homework is to finish Q 6, 7, 8 and 9 Science 7-Today we did our owl pellot disection.  Pictures to follow soon. Science 8-We continue to learn about the human body and the various systems.  Great discussions in class.

Posted: November 26, 2015

Math 8E1-notes posted below-Q5 for homework Science 7-Next class lab disection Science 8-Study notes
PDF icon nov_26th_math_8e1.pdf1.78 MB


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Added: Thu, Jun 16 2016


Added: Thu, Apr 28 2016