Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

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Posted: November 5, 2015

Arbres a facteurs

Un vidéo pour réviser les arbres de facteurs.   C'est un méthode pour décomposer les nombres en facteurs premier.

Posted: November 5, 2015

Décomposition d'un nombre entier en un produit de facteurs premiers

This link has a video to review how to break numbers down into primary factors.   We will be using this skill in our next unit of math (module 1). This skill is good to review as it will help you to find the square root of numbers.

Posted: November 5, 2015

Science 8E1 and 8L-Test next week on all material to date.-Lab sheet is now due. Science 8E2-Study for test next week.-Today we learnt about mitosis. Science 7L-MSA sheets are now past due.-Test should be returned signed.-Notes on Succession posted below.
PDF icon nov_5th_science_7l.pdf3.27 MB
PDF icon nov_5th_science_8e2_0.pdf77.77 KB

Posted: November 4, 2015

Science 8E2-Lab report due for yeast lab Math 8E1-no homework Science 7-MSA report is due by Friday as it counts for the first report card.  Please pass it in as soon as you are done.-Test and project marks sent home to be signed.

Posted: November 3, 2015

Math 8E1-test on graphing Science 7E1-MSA good copy due next class. (Friday)-Students were told their marks on the test.  It will be passed back Friday after everyone writes. Science 8-Collect empty bottles for our yeast lab-Test next week.   
PDF icon nov_3rd_math_8e1.pdf233.67 KB

Posted: November 2, 2015

Math 8E1-Test Wednesday (during science class)-Notes below Science 8E1-Lab Thursday during math. -Worksheet due  Science 8E2-Lab next class.  Question, hypothese and procedure draft should be done.-Students were given verbal confirmation of where their mark is in science. Science 7L-Fish hatchery paper good copy due next class. Science 7E-One more class to work on fish hatchery activity.
PDF icon nov_1st_math_8e1.pdf1.47 MB
PDF icon november_1st_science_8e1.pdf8.45 MB

Posted: October 30, 2015

Red team will be going to a cultural event Monday at Carrefour Beausoleil.  The team is paying the cost of this trip. We will be leaving the school at 9:30 and returning around 11:15.  The form signed at the begining of the year is used for this field trip instead of a permission slip. Math 8E1-We spent today working on placing coordinates on a diagram.   The first two are due Monday and the third is due Tuesday.   This activity will help student to complete the second and third question on their assignment sheet. Science 7-We wrote our test today.   They will be passed back after everyone writes.  I will have them marked for Monday so  if your child wants to know their mark they just need to come see me during student enhancement.  

Posted: October 27, 2015

Science 7-Test Friday.   Notes to review are posted below. Science 8-Chapter 2 notes are posted below.  

Posted: October 23, 2015

Red 7 visited the MSA conservation center this week.   We had an informative tour of their facilities.   We were able to help with the spawning of salmon and trout.   Kelsey told us about the research that the MSA is doing to improve conservation in our local river ecosystem.   

Posted: October 21, 2015

We had a fun trip to the MSA today with 7E1.   Pictures to follow. Science 7E2 and 7L are away on the field trip tomorrow.   Permission form is attached below in a link. Science 8L-notes posted below.


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Added: Thu, Jun 16 2016


Added: Thu, Apr 28 2016