Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

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Posted: December 1, 2014

Extra help for math 8 to prepare for the December district assessment that will count towards marks will be day 2 and 4 during student enhancement. Math 8L1 - P. 460 Q 5, 6, et 7   Science 8L1 8E1 8E2 -Great presentations today.  Rubrics with marks will be available to take home tomorrow.   They will be in the baskets at the front of the room. -Students are to complete their prediction on the yeast lab so that we can start it next class. -Please bring empty water bottles to class.   Science 8L2 -Proposal (draft) for the second yeast lab is due day 5.

Posted: November 30, 2014

Science 8L2:  Please use the photos to finish your lab write up.

Posted: November 28, 2014

Today the team went skating for 2 periods.  We had a ball on the ice!   Science 8L2 - I will be into the school over the weekend to post an update on our yeast project.   Please check back Sunday night to see photos of your bottles. -Students need to review the pictures and finish their lab sheet.   Math 8L2 -We reviewed translations, reflections and rotations from last year.  Most students completed the homework in class.
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Posted: November 25, 2014

Math 8L -Students reviewed how to graph data tables.   Science 8 -Students will be presenting their group projects all week.   Students are also using this experience to practice performing self and group evaluations(outcome 211-4).   This is an important skill for todays work force.    -Great work seen in todays presentations! 

Posted: November 19, 2014

Math 8L -review sheet due tomorrow for marks. -Test passed back to be signed.   Day 4 student enhancent will be used to review this test for students who need to attend.   Science 8 -Students are working on the organ project. -8L2 is due day 5.  No more class to work on the project.  -Project marks passed back  8L1 8L2 -other due dates for the other classes will be posted as they are agreed apon.

Posted: November 14, 2014

Math 8L-Today we finished our module 1 review.  Students should use this packet to guide their review for the test Monday. Science 8- Students have been placed in groups of 2 or 3 to work on our lattest project.  The project will help student to show that they know the responsibilities/rol of a cell in an organ along with the fonction of the organ in the body. -Students will also learn how to self evaluate their work within the group.  -Students will also gain experience giving peer evaluations to their group members.    These last two skills are becoming increasingly more important in the work world.   All work will be done at school under the guidance of myself and the substitute teachers.  A sheet explaining the expectations has been handed out.  The rubric of how the project will be marked will be passed out early next wee from Mr. St.Pierre.   

Posted: November 12, 2014

Math 8 -P. 48 Q 4, 5, and 6 -We are aiming to have a test Friday on module 1.   A review sheet will be handed out tomorrow.   Science 8L2 -We started our project today.   Students will have two more classes along with student enhancement time to work on their projects.   Project and rubric were posted earlier this week.

Posted: November 10, 2014

Thank you for your understanding during this month.  I am out of the class often working on district projects.  Students are being asked to make use of their agendas for homework. Math 8L -Student will have a test on Module 1 on Friday.  We will be reviewing Wednesday and Thursday in class.  No class today due to assembly. Science 8 -Students will be starting a project on organs.   The rubric of how the project will be marked is attached below.  I am also attaching the information sheet of the expectations.  This project will be due the end of next week.  Students will get time in class and during student enhancement to work on this project.  While students are working in groups, they will be marked individually.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.  

Posted: October 29, 2014

Science 8L2 -Test Monday Nov 3rd   Science 8E2, 8E1, and 8L1 -Test Tuesday November 4th -bring a pair of socks to class for an activity.   MATH 8L -Finish questions from class p. 15 and 16. -Notes posted below -Math test sent home to be signed.
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Posted: October 28, 2014

Math 8L -Today we reviewed mental math.  This should also be reviewed regularly at home. -Last person wrote the test today.  I will begin marking them tonight.  Parents will see the duotang of marked work before the end of the week.   Science 8 -test next week on all materials to date. -Bring a clean pair of socks to do our Mitosis activity. -notes below.  


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