Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

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Posted: September 12, 2014

Science 8L1- We practiced taking notes today.-Students should have their microscope parts and function sheet complete. Science 8E1-Handout on microscope parts and function should be completed for next class Math 8L1 and 8L2-Assignment 1 is due tuesday.  Notes posted below Science 8E2-We corrected the sheet les microscopes

Posted: September 11, 2014

Science 8E2-Quiz nest class on terms Math 8L1 et 8L2-notes below-Questions from book in notes are for homework.-Assignment 1 (on grade 8 curriculum) was passed out today.   This will be due early next week. Science 8E1-Worksheet on microscope is due next class Science 8L1-We learnt the parts of a microscope today to prepare for our lab next week.-two sided sheet to complete for next class.   -notes below (worksheet is in the notes)

Posted: September 10, 2014

Meet the teacher is tonight. Science 8E2Quiz next class (day 3) Science 8E1Quiz tomorrow on 7 characteristics of living organisms.Math 8L1 and 8L2No homework.  Today we did the school operation assessment.

Posted: September 9, 2014

Math 8L1 and 8L2Récapitation 1 is due tomorrow.We learned about multiplying wih number lines.   No homework.Science 8L2Study notes
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Posted: September 8, 2014

Science 8E2·        Study for quiz on day 3 (September 12th)·        Notes posted below Science 8L1 ·        Quiz tomorrow Science 8E1 ·        Today we reviewed the 7 characteristics of living organisms.  We also learned about the first microscope.   A reading comprehension was handed out but it is not for homework.·        Quiz on the 7 characteristics of living organisms next class day 2 (September 11th). Math 8L1 8L2 ·        Today we corrected the homework.·        Assignment > is due Wednesday.·        Lesson on multiplying integers is posted below.   Models were used.·         Homework is p. 66 Q 5, 6 and 9  
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Posted: September 5, 2014

Math 8L1 and 8L2 1.       Today we reviewed subtracting integers.  Notes posted below. 2.       Homework is to complete question 4 and 5 from yesterday’s worksheet.  (posted yesterday) 3.       Récapitation 1 due Wednesday. Science 8L1 1.       Quiz on characteristics of living organisms next class. Science 8E1 2.       Quiz on characteristics of living organisms two classes from today.  We will review next class. 3.       Homework is to read/study notes.   (posted below)

Posted: September 4, 2014

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Posted: September 4, 2014

Science 8E2 and 8E1Parents are to read and sign the information letter.Students completed an activity in class to learn how to use their textbook.   Text books should be covered for Monday.Students should have their portfolio duotang in class for Monday.Science 8L1Today we talked about the characteristics of living organisms.   Notes are attached.   Students should be reviewing theses new terms at home.Textbook should be covered for Monday.Portfolio duotang should be in class for Monday.Math 8L1 and 8L2Today we reviewed how to add possitive and negative whole numbers.   A hand out was given with examples and students were given the class to work on three questions.   These are to be completed for next class.Récapitation 1 is due on Wednesday. 

Posted: September 3, 2014

Student fees are now due. Math 8L1 and 8L2Parents are to sign yellow expectations formDiscover book activity due tomorrow (worth 10 points).   Most students finished this in classCover books for MondayStudents require one binder with a divider and a duotang by Monday.Récapitation 1 (review of integers from grade 7) is due Wednesday September 10th.  We will be reviewing this in class tomorrow.

Posted: August 26, 2014

 The start to the 2014 2015 year is quickly approaching.   This year you can find information for the following classes on my website: Math 8L1Math 8L2Science 8E1Science 8E2Science 8L1Science 8L2 The website is where I will be posting class notes, worksheets, rubrics of how projects will be marked, tutorial videos, pictures from class, student work, updates from what we did in class that day and homework.   The messages/notes will be posted in English as I do not assume that all parents can read French.   I want parents to feel included in the learning of their children.  This site will be used to help keep you informed throughout the year. Students are asked to have a memory stick, binder, duotang, calculator, ruler, graph paper, pencil and pen for class. Feel free to contact me through email ( or by phone for clarification as needed. Check back often and stay informed about all the neat stuff that will be happening in Math 8 and Science 8 this year.  I am excited to work with the Red 8 students this year.  See you next week! Mme. McQuaid Murphy    :) 


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