Mrs. Perry

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Posted: November 4, 2014

7A- 15 mins. reading.  Get RJ 1 & 2 signed by tomorrow.  Phys. Ed. logs are due on Friday.   7B- 15 mins. reading. Get RJ 1 signed.  RJ 2 is due tomorrow.  This jounal is based on making connections.  Please see the teacher sample below if needed.   8A- 15 mins. reading.  Get RJ's 1-4 signed.  Memoir final copies are due tomorrow.   8L2- 15 mins. reading. Get RJ's 1-4 signed. Memoir final copies are due Thursday.
File gr._7_connection_journal_lww_0.docx13.32 KB

Posted: October 30, 2014

7A- 15 mins. reading.  Reading Journal 2 (same prompt as last time) is due tomorrow, Oct. 31.  Final copy of persuasive piece is due on Monday, Nov. 3.   7B- 15 mins. reading. Reading Journal 2 (same prompt as last time) is due Tuesday, Nov. 4. Final copy of persuasive piece is due on Monday, Nov. 3.   8A & 8L2- Memoirs are due on Tuesday, Nov. 5.  Attached is a copy of figurative language examples.
File figurative_language_hand_out.docx13 KB

Posted: October 20, 2014

Gr. 7- Field Trip to Metepenagiag Heritage Park is on Thursday, Oct. 23.  Please watch for a notice going home tomorrow.    Gr. 8- Reading Journal 4 is due on Friday, Oct. 24.  Prompt 4- Quote a short sample of visual text from your reading. Briefly explain the passage.  Tell me about the things that you picture in the scene that the author may not explicitly tell you about.   

Posted: October 7, 2014

7A & 7BPlease get your permission slip signed.Reading journal 1 is due tomorrow.  Please see link below for prompt and teacher sample. 
File gr._7_connection_journal_lww.docx13.32 KB

Posted: September 30, 2014

Gr. 7- we are currently writing a gr. 7 district literacy assessment.  Students are only responsible for 15-20 mins of silent reading each night. Gr. 8- Students have completed reading journals 1 & 2.  They should both be signed by a parent.  The prompt for reading journal 3 is: Last  week we talked about visualizing while we read.  Quote a short sample of visual text from your reading.  Explain why you were able to picture this well.  The teacher sample of my prompt 3 is attached. 8A- reading journal 3 is due Friday, Oct. 3.8L2- raeding journal 3 is due Monday, Oct. 6.
File visualizing_journal_entry.docx13.62 KB

Posted: September 16, 2014


Thu, Sep 18/14 9:00 pm
8A- reading journal 1 is due: Use one of your sticky notes to show that you have been thinking about what you’ve been reading. Your entry should show deeper thinking and/or a new understanding of the text.  See a teacher sample on my main page if needed.

Posted: September 16, 2014

7A & B- 15 mins. reading8A- Journal 1 is due on Friday, Sept. 19.  There is a teacher sample linked below.  The prompt is as follows: Use one of your sticky notes to show that you have been thinking about what you’ve been reading. Your entry should show deeper thinking and/or a new understanding of the text.
File journal_1_2014.docx13.35 KB

Posted: September 11, 2014

8A- 15 mins. reading while using your post it notes to mark the connections that you are making.  8L2- 15 mins. reading.  So far the students should have completed two writing assignments: 1)What's in a Name 2) Reading journal reaction to the first two chapters of Totally Joe. 7A- 15 mins. reading and finish brainstorming your persuasive topic.  7B- 15 mins. reading. 

Posted: May 27, 2014

Camp Sheldrake forms and $5 are due on Friday, May 30.  Form is attached below if needed.LA- Reading Journal 3 is due on Friday, May 30.Prompt: Option 1-  Pick a paragraph or a page which describes the way another character treats the main character.  Would you treat the character the same way?  Find an incident in your own life which is similar and explain why you treated someone the way you did.  Have you changed from that experience?  How would you treat that person now? OR Option 2-  Compare yourself to a main character.  Point out your similarities and/ or differences.  Considering what you have discovered, what is your reaction to this character?  Do you like    him/her?  Why or why not? How do you think the character would feel about you?  SS- Quiz Wednesday, May 28 on p. 108-116.  Chapter 6 test is on Friday, May 30- pages 99-116.  There is a review sheet for the test below. 

Posted: March 18, 2014

Giver Deadlines: Wednesday, March 19- drafts due Thursday, March 20- work on editing and revising Monday- March 24- be ready to type Tuesday, March 25- ENTIRE PROJECT DUE (see your blue project guidelines sheet for requirements).  ** 7L2- Deadline is March 26**   Heritage Fair Deadlines: Tuesday & Wednesday (Mar. 18 & 19)- we are researching in the computer lab at HMS Thursday, Mar. 20- all research needs to be completed, essay outline due, poster board should be purchased. Tuesday, Mar. 25- All research must be put into your own words Wednesday, Mar. 26- draft 1 of essay must be completed Thursday, Mar. 27- poster board draft due Friday, Mar. 28- Editing and revising of essay must be completed. Tues. Apr. 1- typed essay, title page, and bibliography due Wednesday, Apri. 2- posters & oral presentations begin!
