Mrs. Perry

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: November 21, 2016

6A & 6B- A reading journal is due on Friday, Nov. 25, 2016. Prompt is as follows and a teacher sample is attached below:

Summarizing/making predictions- give a brief summary of what is happening/ has happened in your reading. If you were the author, what would you have happening next? Explain. 

Due Date: 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Posted: October 24, 2016

6A & 6B- 20 Mins. of reading/night. Get reading journal 1 signed. Book talk is due on Friday- practice, practice, practice!

8A- 20 Mins. of reading/night. Work on revising and editing your memoir. You will present book talks on Thursday.

8E- 20 Mins. of reading/night. Work on revising and editing your memoir. You will present book talks on Friday. Reading journal 2 was assigned today based on visualizing (all students taped the prompt into their reader's notebook). Teacher sample based on Totally Joe is attached.

Due Date: 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Posted: October 13, 2016

6A & 6B- The first reading journal of the year was assigned this week. The prompt is as follows: Making Connections (text to self, text to text, text to world).  Does this book remind you of another book that you have read in the past? Does it remind you of something you have experienced in real life?  Please tell me about two connections that you have had while reading. Each connection must be explained in its own paragraph. Your journal must be at least a ½ page single spaced.  They must be in proper sentence and paragraph form and clearly show your thinking.  DUE: Friday, Oct. 14.  Below there is a link to a teacher sample that I wrote on the novel we are reading together in class, Harry Potter. All students were also given the project guidelines for their first book talk. This is to be signed by a parent/guardian.

8A & 8E- reading journal one was returned this week. Students need to get it signed. The first book talk of the year was assigned this week. There is a one page guideline sheet in all students' reader's notebooks. Students need to choose what book they are going to present on and have a draft done of their book talk by Friday, Oct. 14. Computer lab dates to work on their powerpoint are Oct. 17 & 19.

Due Date: 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Posted: October 12, 2016

6A & 6B- The first reading journal of the year was assigned this week. The prompt is as follows: Making Connections (text to self, text to text, text to world).  Does this book remind you of another book that you have read in the past? Does it remind you of something you have experienced in real life?  Please tell me about two connections that you have head while reading. Each connection must be explained in its own paragraph. Your journal must be at least a ½ page single spaced.  They must be in proper sentence and paragraph form and clearly show your thinking.  DUE: Friday, Oct. 14.  Below their is a link to a teacher sample that I wrote on the novel we are reading together in class, Harry Potter. All students were also given the project guidelines for their first book talk. This is to be signed by a parent/guardian.

8A & 8E- reading journal one was returned this week. Students need to get it signed. The first book talk of the year was assigned this week. There is a one page guideline sheet in all students' reader's notebooks. Students need to choose what book they are going to present on and have a draft done of their book talk by Friday, Oct. 14. Computer lab dates to work on their powerpoint are Oct. 17 & 19.


Please begin each journal with




Due Date: 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Posted: September 26, 2016

8A & 8E- Reading journal 1 was assigned today. The prompt is as follows: Making Connections: text to self, text to text, text to world.  Does this book remind you of another book that you have read in the past? Does it remind you of something you have experienced in real life? If so tell me about it.  Journals must be at least a ½ page single spaced.  They must be in proper sentence and paragraph form and clearly show your thinking. 

Each student was given a rubric that outlines how RJ's will be marked. Attached at the bottem of this page is a teacher sample.

Due Date: 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Posted: September 7, 2016


Please get your orange student data form filled out and return tomorrow

Please bring in student fee of $10.

Dance tomorrow night from 6:00-8:30.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Posted: April 5, 2016

All students should be reading each night for a minimum of 15 mins.

7A LA- today in class we read ch. 17 of The Giver.  Please make sure your simile worksheet and simile poem are completed for tomorrow.

SS- Heritage fair projects are due tomorrow.

7/8B LA- today in class we read p. 44-59 of The Color of My Words.  Blackout poem must be finished for tomorrow.

SS- tomorrow is the first research class for Heritage Fair.  All students have a two page hand out that details the assignment guidelines and timelines for completion.  Outline must be finished for tomorrow's lab class.

8A SS- No homework at this time.

8E2- work on Short Stories.  Thursday will be a writing class.

Due Date: 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Posted: March 29, 2016

7A- LA- 15 mins reading.

SS- Heritage Fair projects due April 5

7/8B- LA- 15 mins reading

SS- Ch. 2 test tomorrow

8A- No homework unless you have not presented your Heritage Fair yet.

8E2- 15 mins reading.

Due Date: 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Posted: March 16, 2016

7A-LA- Reading journal 8 was assinged yesterday.  It is due on Monday, March 21.  Teacher sample is attached.

SS- Work on Heritage Fair.  Due on April 5.

7/8B- Reading journal 8 was assinged yesterday.  It is due on Monday, March 21.  Teacher sample is attached.

8A- Work on Heritage Fair.  Due on Tuesday!

8E2- Walking to the Newcastle Public Library tomorrow.  Dress warm.  Reading journal 8 was assinged yesterday.  It is due on Monday, March 21.  Teacher sample is attached.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Posted: February 16, 2016

7/8 B will be walking down to the Newcastle Public Library on Thursday, April 7 @ 9:30 am.  Please dress for the weather.


Orange Team is skating this Friday, Feb. 19 @ 8:30.

All Ski Trip forms and monies need to be turned in by Friday, Feb. 19 unless special arrangements have been made.
