Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

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Posted: March 10, 2014

Math 7L-Today we started module 6 on Algebra.   Notes posted below.  Homework is questions 1, 2, and 3 Science 7L2-We started our unit on heat.  Notes posted below. Science 8L and 8E1-Lab sheet for boat activity due next class.

Posted: February 28, 2014

NO HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your break. :)

Posted: February 26, 2014

Math 7L-We are reviewing chapter 1.7 and 1.8.  Students are working on solving equations.-Math tests have been sent home.  Science-We have been listening to some great projects this week.   Students who have presented should be taking their project home.-Science fair marks will be sent home over the next two days as classes finish presenting.

Posted: February 24, 2014

Math 7L-Homework is 1.7 p. 36 Q 1 and 2-We are reviewing algebra.   (The difference between equations and expressions) Science 7 and 8-We continued with presentations today.-Tomorrow their will be a showcase of the projects during Student Enhancement.  Students will have the chance to circulate and look at other projects.  
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Posted: February 20, 2014

We will continue with science projects Red 7 skate tomorrow. Bring ticket money back No math homework

Posted: February 13, 2014

Students should be putting the finishing touches on their projects.  We start presenting Tuesday. Math 7L-Test Friday (or Monday if we have a storm day :) ) Science 8E2-Students have a test next science class.  Study guide made today in class.
PDF icon feb_13th_math_7l.pdf226.26 KB

Posted: February 12, 2014

 Red team students were sent home with tickets to sell.  This is a fundraiser to help pay for the cost of our team trips. Students should be working on science fair.  Please take your materials home each night incase of bad weather. Science 7L1-Test sent home to be signed Math 7L1 and 7L2-Test Friday.-Today we continued to review. 
PDF icon feb_12_math_7l1.pdf7.24 MB

Posted: February 11, 2014

Math 7L-Finish question from notes-test friday on module 7 Science 7 and 8-Science fair project presentations start Tuesday (no school Monday).
PDF icon feb_11th_math_7l1.pdf4.64 MB

Posted: February 11, 2014

Attached is a document created by our district in English that gives tips for creating and presenting a science fair project.  Please take a look.
PDF icon science_fair_student_project_tips.pdf29.72 KB

Posted: February 10, 2014

Science fair presentations begin Feb 18th.  All students will present before March break. Math 7L1 and 7L2-test on module 7 will be friday.-Practice questions given today and posted below.

Posted: February 7, 2014

Monday and Tuesday I will be doing a drop in science time after school.  Students are welcome to stay after school until 4:30pm to work on their science fair projects in the common room.  This is a good time for groups to work on their poster and presentation.

Posted: February 4, 2014

All students should have their science fair work at school. Science 7l2-Test Feb 5th Science 7L1-test Feb 6th Math 7L1 and 7L2-Some students still need to write the quiz (illness) so it will not be returned until Friday or Monday.-We continued to work on probability today.    Homework to finish questions in section 7.5
PDF icon feb_3rd_math_7l1_0.pdf1.16 MB

Posted: February 3, 2014

Science 7L-no test tomorrow.   ALL CLASSES OF SCIENCE SHOULD HAVE SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT HERE AT SCHOOL READY TO CONFERENCE. Math 7L1 and 7L2-notes below.  We talked about probability today-Study multiplication tables for homework. Science 8E1-We learned about buyancy today.  Notes below.  Test next week.-Quiz to be signed Science 8E2-Quiz to bee signed.-test next week-Today we learned about pressure and froce calculations  
PDF icon feb_3rd_math_7l1.pdf1.16 MB
PDF icon feb_3rd_math_7l2.pdf1.13 MB
PDF icon feb_3rd.pdf4.48 MB

Posted: January 29, 2014

Math 7L1 and 7L2-Test tomorrow on 7.1 7.2 and 7.3 of the student text.   Use the study guide we did in class today to review for the test.   Science 8L-Finish reading notes on >. -Continue to work on observations and conclusion section of science fair project.   Science 8E1-Research project on > is due next class. (Day 3)  

Posted: January 28, 2014

Math 7L-Review sheet for test given out and due tomorrow.  We will go over it in class tomorrow.  I will explain any questions students have trouble with.-Quiz Thursday Science 7L-Test next day 5 (1 week away).-Review sheet given out today.-Next week I will start meeting with groups to edit the draft of the science fair projects. Science 8L-Research project was assigned.  Students were given a topic to research how density relates to their topic.  Studnets had the class to research and place information on a 8x11 white paper.   This is due next class. 
