Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

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Posted: April 24, 2014

Math 7-Algebra Unit test tomorrow. Today we continued learning about pi and how this constant relates to the radius and diameter of a circle. Science 7- Today we studied for the Heat quiz and looked at thermal capacity. No homework. Science 8E- Today we did a fun experiment looking at how water runs across different terrains. We also began evaluating data collection techniques. No homework. Students who failed to pass in or discuss with me a new due date need to turn in their Multi-media Erosion project as soon as possible. 

Posted: April 23, 2014

Math 7-Today we learnt about the relaitonship between a circle's circumference and diameter. The irrational number pi was introduced. Students in 7L1 please finish questions 1a and 2a on page 136. Both 7L1 and 7L2 have their Algebra Unit test this Friday. Science 7-We conducted an exciting experiment to show how convection works today. We also had a visitor from the district observe the class. Finish the lab worksheet if not yet completed. Science 8-In class we have been looking at how the oceans formed and today we drew this process at different time intervals. For homework please finish a half-page summary describing the relationships between tides, waves, and erosion. For 8E the Multi-media project is due tomorrow (you can finish it during Student Enhancement). 8L has the same project due Friday April 25th.

Posted: April 22, 2014

Math 7-We practiced our mental math today. Students received graded work and a print off showing what assignments have been marked and what needs to be handed in. Please work tonight to catch up on missed homework and come in for help if there are parts you are struggling with. Unit Test on algebra is this Friday, April 25th. Science 8-We discussed the Erosion Multi-media Project due this week, and looked at techtonic plate movement. 8E1- Due April 248E2- Due April 248L- Due April 25 Science 7L1-Today we determined how people could use potential results of an invented scientific experiment to benefit their daily lives. Students were looking at which surfaces absorb the most heat. No homework. 

Posted: April 22, 2014

Please continue to review mental math strategies at home with your child.  Parents should continue to sign their child's packet 2 times a week.  This packet should be returned to school each Monday with the quiz they did at home.  Below is a review of how students should use mental math when they encounter decimals.  I have also included some sample questions for your use.   Estimation should be used to develop a sense of the size of the answer for all calculations involving decimals. Multiplying by a decimal -Take the decimal away and multiply the numbers, add the decimal back.  Use an estimation to help put the decimal back. -Ex 0.4 x 12= 4.8 4 x 12 = 48   0.4 is close to 0.5.      0.5 x 12=6 so replace the decimal to the tenths and get 4.8   Practice questions:                                                     Answers4.6 x 2 =                                             9.2 0.4 x 12 =                                             4.8 0.32 x 0.02 =                                       0.0064 1.5 x 0.3 =                                            0.45 0.07 x 11 =                                           0.77

Posted: April 16, 2014

Science 8Multi-media Erosion Project due: 8E1- April 248E2- April 248L- April 25 8E2- Half page on the relationships between erosion, tides and waves  Science 77L1- Finish 4 images showing radiating heat hitting a rough, smooth, black, and white surface       - Quiz on heat April 247L2- Finish graph started in class       - Quiz on heat April 25 Math 7Bring signed mental math pages to school TuesdayStudy for Algebra unit test April 25th
PDF icon april_16th_8_erosion_project.pdf4.69 MB

Posted: April 15, 2014

Science 8L-The class wrote a quiz and were introduced to an erosion projet to be completed electronically. Multi-media project due April 24th. Math 7L1- The class worked on reviewing concepts learnt earlier this year in order to start reviewing for final exams. No homework. Science 7L1-The class explored how different textures and colours absorb radiating heat. Please finish your four drawings showing how white/black/rough/smooth textures absorb or reflect radiating heat. Math 7L2-The class focused on verifying their algebra answers; this was a skill that many students struggled with on the algebra quiz. Please finish your three verifications. Science 7L2Today was spent reviewing some concepts to prepare students for the heat quiz that will be next week. No homework.  

Posted: April 14, 2014

Science 8EFor 8E1 a one-page summary page is to be handed in tomorrow before the class writes the quiz. Each class class has an electronic presentation due on April 24th about erosion. Today we looked at erosion, deposition and how coastal features are formed. Science 7Please finish the thermometer lab sheet (includes 6 questions and a self-evaluation). We will have a quiz on April 24th on the material shown in the attached document (in the document section of the website) called Heat Review. The French Brain Pop video gives a good review of this: Today we worked on reviewing material. Math 7L1We had our Monday Mental Math Quiz today and continued working on algebra equations. Please verify 3 algebraic equations using the method shown in class. Math 7L2We had our Monday Mental Math Quiz today and continued working on algebra equations. Finish the 3 questions using algebraic tiles.  

Posted: April 11, 2014

8 Science-Please create a full page quality review sheet of our everything we have seen in this unit; this is due Monday for 8E1 and 8E2, and Tuesday for 8L. We will have a quiz on the aforementioned dates on that material. I have posted under documents the Convection (ice cube) lab sheet. 7 Math-Please bring your signed mental math booklet on Monday as well as your signed algebra quiz. 7L2 please finish one correctly and fully completed solution by drawing algebraic tiles. 7L1 please complete 3 verifications. 7 Science-We had fantastic scienctific discusions today. I am really impressed with quality of questions being asked in class. Please finish your 4 sketches showing a radiation source, radition itself and what happens at the surface of a black, white, rough, and smooth surface. If your drawings need labels to make things clear please add them. 

Posted: April 10, 2014

Math 7L1We started 2 different assignments today; one includes three drawings demonstrating the use of algebraic tiles to solve algebraic equations and the other asks students to demonstrate how to verify answers by substituting the answer into the equaion. The algebra tiles assignment is due tomorrow and the verification assignment is due Monday April 14th.  Math 7L2Students enjoyed playing a game where they had to write a numeric equation with a variable from the given word problem. We also reviewed using traditional algebra to solve equations with unknowns. Homework is to complete three algebraic questions using the traditional written method. Science 8LToday we had a quiz on ocean currents and convection. Homework for Tuesday April 15th is to create a detailed review page on the concepts learned up to date in this unit. This video offers a great review: Science 7L1Today students worked collaboratively to answer questions related to our last lab experiment. Homework is to begin and attempt completion of the 6 questions on the lab sheet, and to come to school tomorrow with clarification questions for the parts not understood. Science 8E2Today we had a quiz on ocean currents and convection. Students must get their corrected convection lab signed by a parent/guardian and complete their "earth, air, water" lab including the graph. Homework for Monday April 14th is to create a detailed review page on the concepts learned up to date in this unit. This video offers a great review:

Posted: April 9, 2014

Science 8E1Today we had a quiz about convection and ocean currents. We started dicussing the concept of erosion. Homework is to get a parent/guardian signature on the convection lab sheet and to finish the earth, air, water lab sheet. Science 7L2Today we reviewed concepts students should know for the upcoming quiz. Expect an additional study aid video will be posted to the website by the end of the week. Students also made a prediction about what materials would best absorb heat, explained how their potential results could affect the world, and determined how to begin testing their prediction. No homework.  Math 7L2Today we had an algera quiz. No homework. Math 7L1We practiced multiplying and solving algebra word problems. Homework is to use written/traditional algebra, showing each step,  to solve 3 problems of your choice.  Science 8LIn class we spent some time showing how to create a line graph with our lab results. We began disucssions about how tides work. Homework is to complete the earth, air water lab including the line graph of the results.

Posted: April 8, 2014

Science 8LToday we finished creating insturctions for a science experiment about currents and convection. We also reviewed the last lab about ice cubes and the concepts for our quiz. For students who have not finished this sheet is for homework as well as bringing back the signed convection lab. Please study for your quiz next class.  Math 7L1No homework. Today we had our math quiz on different types of algebra solution methods. Science 7L1No homework. We had a lab today where we explored Galileo's thermoscope, different kinds of thermometers, and how they all work. Math 7L2Today we looked at all 5 solution methods available to solve algebra questions. Homework is studying for the quiz next class. Science 7L2We reviewed major concepts from our temperature unit. Homework is to invent a question that you would see on a quiz and give the answer on a sheet is to be handed in next class.

Posted: April 7, 2014

Science 8Today we saw several different simulations to explains why the tides rise and fall. Homework: quiz on ocean currents and their effect on local climates next class, get parent/guardian to sign convection lab, and finish the lab concerning air, water and earth  temperatures. Math 7L2Today we had our Monday Mental Math Quiz and we continued working on algebraic word problems. Finish page 239 #2 (a or b or c), 3, and 6. Study for the quiz and keep doing your mental math.  Math 7L1Today we had our Monday Mental Math Quiz and began reviewing for the quiz tomorrow.  Science 7L1Today we looked at energy, temperature and methods they are transfered: convection, conduction, and radiation. No homework.

Posted: April 4, 2014

Science 8E1 & 8E2Today we reviewed the first convection lab we did. Students are to get their graded labs signed by a parent/guardian and read assigned sections of the text. We will have a quiz on ocean currents, convection and climate change on April 9 (8E1) and April 10 (8E2). Math 7L1 (7L2 had no class due to school handball game)Today we continued working on algebraic word problems. Finish page 239 #2 (a or b or c), 3, and 6. Study for the quiz and keep doing your mental math. Bring in your signed mental math sheets on Monday. Science 7L2Today we leant about a new high tech thermometer, current jobs where employees use thermometers, and how trial and error resulted in the advancement of heat measruing devices. Students should finish the entire lab sheet including the 6 questions on the page.  

Posted: April 3, 2014

Science 8E1 and 8L:Please complete your ENTIRE lab sheet including the auto-evaluation.   

Posted: April 2, 2014

Science 8L-Please finish the auto-evaluation at the end of today's lab sheet. We will do the graph next class. Math 7-Today we worked on mental math and word problems using algebra. Please remember to practice mental math twice a week at home. Finish questions 4 and 5 for homework on page 239. The quiz will not be this Friday, but as follows:Quiz on algebra 7L1: April 8 2014 Quiz on algebra 7L2: April 9 2014 Science 7L2-Today we used different thermometers and looked at Galileo's thermoscope. Please finish questions 1-4 on your lab sheet.   Science 8E1-No homework.
