Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

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Posted: February 9, 2012

Dance tomorrow night 6 to 8:30.   Pizza, chips, water and flowers will be sold at the dance.   Parents are welcome to come help chaperone.   Picture booth will be set up.   Science 8L We started looking into viscosity today.   Students designed a lab that they will do next week to evaluate the viscosity of different fluids.     Some materials will be brought in from home.   It should be a lot of fun! (And a little bit messy)   J   Science 7 and 8 This week we have worked on creating a good research question, hypothesis and writing a procedure.   Students should be completing this process at home for their Science fair projects.   Next week we will work on observations, data tables, graphs and analysis.     Students should be ready to present to their class Feb 23rd.   (Extensions can always be arranged if needed for the time frame of the project.)   Math 7E Quiz on data management was sent home today to be signed.  NOtes and homework posted below.

Posted: February 8, 2012

Just a reminder to parents that the RED team is hosting the dance this Friday night from 6 to 8:30.   We are looking for parents to help with the canteen and chaperone.   If you can help out please contact the school or email me at   Science Proposal form for Science fair is due at the end of this week.     Math 7E No homework.

Posted: February 7, 2012

Science 7 and 8 Students need to complete the Science fair proposal form by Thursday of this week.   This outlines what they will be doing for the Science fair this year. Students should spend time this week developing a research question, hypothesis and procedure.    Students may work individually or in groups of 2.  Rubric of how they will be evaluated has been sent home.   A copy can be found below. Projects will be presented before March break at the classroom level. Math 7E Quiz tomorrow on data management (sections 7-1 to 7-4).    

Posted: February 6, 2012

Our Red team Science 7 work is showcased on the district 16 site.   Please take a look.   Math 7E Quiz Wednesday on the first 4 sections of >.   Review booklet is due tomorrow.  A copy of it can be found in today’s notes.  It was assigned Friday.   Extra help tomorrow at lunch.   Science 8L Rubric for district Science fair was passed out today.   Students will have Wednesday’s class to work on the project.   Students should be working on this project at home.   Rubric of how students will be marked  is posted.   Science 7L1 and 7E Students had time in the computer lab to research for their Science fair project.    Students should be working on this project at home.   Rubric of how students will be marked is posted.    

Posted: February 3, 2012

Please take a look at he MSA projects in the Video and Document section.   I am very pleased with the quality of work.   Math 7E We will have a quiz Wednesday next week on médiane, mode, étendue, valeur aberrante, moyenne.   Sicence 7E No homework   Science 7L2 No homework   Science 8L, 8E1 test chapter 5 Monday.  
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Posted: February 2, 2012

Math 7E Unit test for Module 2 is sent home today and should be returned to class signed tomorrow.   We have started our new unit on Module 7.   This unit is very importatnt as it relates to science and how to evaluate data.  Notes are posted below for the last few classes.   Homework is to finish the example in the notes.     Extra help will continue to be day 4 at lunch.   Science 7L1 and 7L2 Today we continued to learn about the techtonic plates and earthquakes.     Study guide for chapter 11 was passed out.   Questions 1 to 3 were discussed in class and question 4 is for homework.   Sciencce 8E2 Test tomorrow on Chapter 5 Egg lab report is now due.   Science 8E1 and 8L Test Monday on Chapter 5. Egg lab report is now due.
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Posted: January 13, 2012

Math 7E Section 2.2 was covered today.   Students who get extra workbook, it was sent home today.   Notes are posted below.    Science 7l Answer questions 1, 2 aqnd 3 in chapter 10 review booklet.   Science 8L 2 lap reports should be passed in.  (last class lab and todays lab).    
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Posted: January 12, 2012

Math 7E We started Module 2 today.  Students are to finish Q6 p. 54 for homework   Science 7 Review new terms from CHaper 10.   Science 8E1 Notes below.   Finish worksheet.   Quiz on masse volumique next week. (2 classes from now)

Posted: January 11, 2012

Math 7E Our new unit is module 2.   Rappele de connaissances worksheet for homework.     Science 7 Students should be done their title page for next class.   Notes from section 10.2 is posted below.   Science 8L Labo is due next class
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Posted: January 9, 2012

Math 7E We did a review class today.   Notes are below.   Every other week we will be doing a review sheet.  This time it will be done in class tomorrow.  Students may use there notes and text.   We need to promote continuous review in order to master our grade 7 math skills and to prepaire for hte district assessment in June. Homework is to make sure notes are organized.   Science 7L1 Title page should be done for next class for students that are not working on the MSA project.   Science 8L We will be in the lab next class (WED) working on finding density.   Remember to bring a small object made of one material and a pencil.   Science 8E Table on the bottom of the > worksheet is due next class.    Extra help is day 4 at lunch.
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Posted: December 31, 2011

No homework for the break. 

Posted: December 21, 2011

Math 7E No class today due to ginger bread house activity.   We will have a class tomorrow and will do an in class assignment and have no official test before the holiday.   Review assignments were well done and will be passed back tomorrow.   Remember to ALWAYS reduce your frations to the simplest form.   Science 8 We set up and cleaned up from the potluck today. no homework   Science 7 Students worked hard on their MSA photostories today.   I can't wait until they are done and I can post them to the website for parents to see.   Your kids are doing amazing work!
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Posted: December 19, 2011

Potluck tomorrow for grade 7.   If you have a hot dish remember that a slow cooker works well to keep it warm during the morning.   Math 7E Review booklet for module 5.   Quiz later this week.   Science 8e1 Labo - time to work on it next class   Science 8L see notes below.   questions on worksheet related to 5.1 and 5.2 of the text is due next class.   Science 7l1 no homeowrok.   We worked on our MSA project.
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Posted: December 14, 2011

Math 7EFinish questions from the book on adding improper fractions and mixed numbers. Science 8LQuiz on the particle theory tomorow. Science 8E1 and 8E2Read section 5.1 and 5.2 and answer comprehension questions on the handout.   Studnets also need to be thinking of their objet that they will find the density of.

Posted: December 12, 2011

Math 7E Quiz is to be signed.   We started subtracting fractions today.   Notes are posted below.  Q 1, 5 and 10 are for homework.   Science 8E1 quiz on particle theory next class   Science 8l Lab write up (green paper) is due next class   Science 7L1 test on Wednesday   Science 7L2 test tuesday
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