Posted: May 13, 2011
Mrs. McQuaid Murphy
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: May 13, 2011
Posted: May 12, 2011
Math 7E2
Today we started to review for our district assessment which will be June 6 and 7th. We reviewed module 2. Students have a 2 sided worksheet to complete for homework.
Science 7L
Tomorrow we will have our mini expo de science.
Posted: May 10, 2011
Math 7E2
We have started section 8.5 of the student text. Homework tonight is to study Mental Math.
Science 7L
Labo presentation is Friday Day 2. Poster with Title, picture and observations is due. Test on Chapter 9 will be next week. Students at Drama fest are exempted from Labo.
Science 7E2
Notes and review questions for chapter 9 are below. Test next week. We are in the lab tomorrow and the Labo presentation will be next day 3 (Monday).
Red team students are busy working on their French reports for the Fish Project. We hope to post some updates soon!
Posted: May 4, 2011
Math 7E2
Today we looked at several ways to bisect angles. Notes and homework are posted below. There will be a quiz on sections 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 next class
Science 7l
Today we reviewed the three methods heat can use to transfer. There will be a test on this the end of next week. This can be found in Chapter 9.
Chapter 8 test was returned. It needs to be signed by a parent and returned to school Monday.
Posted: May 3, 2011
Math 7E2
Students are to finish worksheet 8.1 and 8.2. Please bring red duotang to class tomorrow.
Posted: May 2, 2011
Mah 7E2
Finish review sheet of 8.2 perpendicular lines
Continue to study your mental Math twice a week at home. Duotangs due Wed. May 4th
Science 7E1
Today we reviewed convection, conduction and radiaion. Notes posted below.
Math Operations 8
Today we reviewed Surface area and Mental Math
Posted: April 28, 2011
Math 7E2
We learnt about perpendicular lines today. We also reviewed section 8.1 of the student text. Notes and homework posted below. Students should be reviewing their Mental Math twice a week at home.
Science 7L and 7E1
We have started to learn about conduction. (chapter 9 of student text.)
Posted: April 26, 2011
Posted: April 26, 2011
Science 7L
test on Chapter 8
Math 7E2
We have started Module 8. Page 302 Q 1, 2 , 4 and 6 are for homeowrk.