Posted: June 2, 2015
7E1, 7E2, 7L - Test pour Unité 3 - 7E1: vendredi, le 5 juin - 7E2: lundi, le 8 juin - 7L: lundi, le 8 juin6A, 6B - Students have just completed their final project for a unit on the environment. In a group of three, they created a display to represent the Three R's of recycling. They also invidually wrote about what they are currently doing to reduce pollution and what they would like to do in the future to protect our environment.- Students will begin a short unit on summer camps. They will invent their own camp and come up with the weekly schedule of events for their camp. Lastly, they will create a brochure for their camp. 8A, 8B - Students have completed their final project for the unit on extreme sports. They are currently presenting these for their classmates. This presentation was different from the others as they were asked to present without their writing. In order to make this possible, the presentation they made on smart notebook, powerpoint or prezi should include picture clues to help support their presentation. Students were made aware of this proponent of the presentation well before they began working on it. Homeroom (7E2) - Tuesday, June 2nd: Web Leader Applications are due.- Monday, June 8th: Chinese Culture Celebration in the afternoon.- Tuesday, June 9th: Drug Presentation in the afternoon.- Friday, June 12th: Red Team Grade 7 students go to Camp Sheldrake for the day.- Tuesday, June 16th: Red Team Boat Trips- Thursday, June 18th: Award Ceremony in the AM, Talent Show in the PM.- Friday, June 19th: Last Day of School (Half Day)