Posted: March 29, 2015
7E1, 7E2, 7L - Planification de la Recherche Formulaire (Research Outline) were due last week. Still waiting on some students to hand it in.- Brouillon de la Rapport de Recherche (Draft Research Report) due dates: - 7E1: mardi, le 7 avril (jour 1) - 7E2: mercredi, le 8 mars (jour 2) - 7L: mercredi, le 8 mars (jour 2)- La Rapport de Recherche Finale (Final Research Report) due dates: - 7E1, 7E2, 7L: vendredi, le 10 mars (jour 4)6A, 6B - Students will begin constructing theirrobot this week. Students will be notified the day before they need to bring materials to school. - Students will begin planning their own personal robot to do their bidding. The idea is that this robot will do the things they dislike doing (chores, homework, etc.). Once the planning period is done, students will need to bring in household items (kleenex boxes, paper towel rolls, ice cream containers, etc.) to contruct their robot. 8A, 8B - Students have begun a new unit on Extreme Sports. Homeroom (7E2) - vendredi, le 3 avril: Good Friday (No School)- lundi, le 6 avril: Easter Monday (No School)