Mrs. Jeffrey

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Posted: November 17, 2014

7E1, 7E2, 7L - Le Guerre en Canada Projet                Due Dates - 7E1: lundi, le 17 novembre                                - 7E2: lundi, 17 novembre                                - 7L: mardi, 18 novembre - Le Guerre en Canada Projet signé   6A, 6B- None   8A, 8B- "Les Automobiles" Projects will be presented this week.   Homeroom - Report Cards go home Tuesday, November 18th - Parent Teacher on Thursday, November 20th from 4:30-6:30 and Friday, November 21st from 9:00-11:30 - No School on Friday for students

Posted: November 9, 2014

7E1, 7E2, 7L - Test d'unité 1 signé, unité 2 leçon 1 quiz signé, projet signé - Le Guerre en Canada Projet         Due Dates - 7E1: lundi, le 17 novembre                          - 7E2: lundi, 17 novembre                          - 7L: mardi, 18 novembre   6A, 6B- None   8A, 8B- None   Homeroom - School clothing for sale on Thursday, November 13th (must have cash for orders on that day) - No school on Tuesday, November 11th for Remembrance Day - Report Cards go home Tuesday, November 18th - Parent Teacher on Thursday, November 20th from 4:30-6:30 and Friday, November 21st from 9:00-11:30  
Attached to this document is the rubric for the upcoming Grade 7 F.I. Social Studies project.  The project focuses on Canada's war history.  Students will be given a particular war or battle which is important to Canadian History.  They will present a 3-5 minute presentation on their subject with either a smart notebook document, a power point or a prezi presentation.  Project due dates will be announced in class.
File rubric.docx13.53 KB

Posted: November 4, 2014

7E1, 7E2, 7L - Test d'unité 1 signé, unité 2 leçon 1 quiz signé, projet signé - Le Guerre en Canada Projet        Due Dates - 7E1: mecredi, le 12 novembre                        - 7E2: jeudi, 13 novembre                         - 7L: jeudi, 13 novembre   6A, 6B- Bring in a photo that represents "autumn" to you.   8A, 8BProject on "Les Automobiles" (we are working on this project in class, but any work that can be done at home would be a great added bonus. The rubric is located below this post)   Homeroom - Blues News Pink Form (get it signed for a chance to win movie money!)  

Posted: October 27, 2014

7E1, 7E2, 7L: Test d'unité 1 signé, unité 2 leçon 1 quiz signé7E1: unité 2 leçon 1 quiz mardi6A, 6B: Bring in a photo that represents "autumn" to you (6A for Wednesday, 6B for Thursday)8A, 8B: Project on "Les Automobiles" (we are working on this project in class, but any work that can be done at home would  be a great added bonus. The rubric is located below this post. This week is also Spirit Week at HMS.Monday: School pride day: wear blue and white! Tuesday: Mismatched shoes dayWednesday: Crazy hair dayThursday: Inside out day (wear your clothes inside out)Friday: Black and orange (must wear both colors to be counted!) Happy Halloween :) 
File pif_8_car_project_rubric.docx11.27 KB

Posted: October 21, 2014

6A, 6B: None8A, 8B: Paragraph comparing old and new cars (completing in class)7E1, 7E2, 7L: Lire le paragraph (ch.2)- Besoins et désirs, production, OU distribution*Grade 7 Homework to be updated throughout this week.*Dance Friday.*Photo re- take forms due Monday

Posted: October 16, 2014

Rubric for SS 7 "Moi dans 20 ans" project.
File moi_dans_20_ans-_rubric.docx115.21 KB

Posted: October 14, 2014

6A, 6B: none8A, 8B: none7E1: sign quiz, sign project mark, unit 1 test Monday, October 20th.7E2: sign quiz, sign project mark, unit 1 test this Thursday.7L: sign quiz, sign project mark, unit 1 test this Friday. School photo retakes Tuesday, October 15th

Posted: October 6, 2014

6A: none6B: none8A: none8B:none7E1, 7E2, 7L: p.14 #1; 5 examples de la dépendance (avec les 5 parties d'autonomisation); signer quiz *Bring in one dollar this week for a chance to win a ticket to a Timberwolves hockey game!* No school Thursday, Friday, or next Monday
