Posted: April 11, 2012
Mrs. Hamilton Notes
Technology II is a course that encourages creativity and working with the hands and a variety of technologies
Posted: April 11, 2012
A letter is being sent home with students today with a few end of year notes and information.
Math - Geometyr Unit test April 17th
Science - Optics Unit Test Apr 24th
Posted: February 10, 2012
- All ski forms were due today. If you are still planning on skiing but haven't brought your forms in, you can bring them Monday, but you may not get your choice of friends for the day you go.
- Rate Math Assignment was due today. You lose 10% for each day late after today.
- Science Fair letters were due back signed for today. This was a homework mark.
Posted: February 7, 2012
Ski Trip to Poley Mountain in Sussex - Feb 22 / 23
- Lists are being arranged now, you will know which day you are going by the end of next week.
- Tickets for the Valentine's Day Basket are due back in this Friday as the draw is on Monday
- All forms are due in this Friday
- Money is due next Wed (Feb 15th) ($20 if you volunteered with a findraiser - $35 otherwise)
Posted: February 7, 2012
Website is up and running again!
Math: Rate assignment due Fri Feb 10th
- Lab Reports due by tomorrow
- Get Science Fair Letter signed for tomorrow (homework mark)
Posted: January 12, 2012
- Page 266-67 6, 7, 9
- Get Math Test signed if not already
- "Shopping Spree" Sheet was due today
Posted: January 10, 2012
- Get Percent Quiz signed (sent home last night)
- Sales Tax and Discount Assignment due by the end of the day Thursday (handed out in class today, will be working on it tomorrow) - Assignment is attached.
- All duotangs should have been handed in by now for marking (make sure all sheets are present and completed)
- Get CH 11 Quiz signed (sent home with 8C & 8B last night)
Posted: January 10, 2012
I hope everyone had an enjoyable break! I know I did. Welcome back.
This term aside from our academics, I am putting a strong focus on coming to class prepared, working hard in class and completing work on time. In less than 8 months, you will be heading to the High School and we have some major work ahead of us to get some good habits set in place before then.
I look forward to this term with all of you!
,Mrs. Hamilton
Posted: December 15, 2011
p. 252
3, 4, 5, 6, 15 or 16
- Quiz on Percent Problems Wed Dec 21 (Tues Dec 20 for 8B)
- Quiz on Oceans Tues Dec 20
Posted: December 7, 2011
Practice Sheet: "5.1 Relating Fractions, Decimals and Percents"
(still due tomorrow)
Posted: December 7, 2011
Posted: December 5, 2011
- Activiating Prior Knowledge Review sheet on Fractions, Decimals and Percent is to be finished tonight
- 8A and 8C assignments are now overdue. (-10%) (another 10% after tomorrow and a call home)
- 8B assign. is due tomorrow
Posted: November 28, 2011
- Dividing Fractions Quiz tomorrow
- Homework questions: p. 162 1-5
- Dividing Fractions Unit Test Thursday Dec 1
- "The Coastline" Assignment due:
Thurs Dec 1 (8A)
Mon Dec 5 (8B)
Mon Dec 5 (8C)
Posted: November 22, 2011
The Orange Team had adopted a family for Christmas through the Miramichi 'Early Intervention Program'. We realize that not all families get to have the type of Christmas we all wish for and we'd like the Orange Team to be able to spread some joy at this time. We are hoping that all students will be able to contribute in one manner or another. For those able to bring in items and donations, we greatly appreciate it. We will also be making posters and organizing and wrapping the presents. A letter will be going home shortly to provide a few more details.
Grade 8 Ski Trip
Near to the end of February, the Orange Team is planning a Ski Trip to Polie Mountain near Sussex, NB. We will be discussing Fundraiser ideas and hoping to get a few started before Christmas. The trip is fairly costly as we need to pay for the buses and the cost of lessons and equipment rental. We will also be looking for a few skiing/snowboarding parents to help supervise (or to supervise in at the lodge)!
Posted: November 22, 2011
We've been concentrating on getting any overdue assignments and tests completed in the last two weeks. Regularly occurring homework and assignments will be resuming the week of Nov. 28.
Reminder that Report Cards will be going home on Tuesday Nov 29 and that Parent Teacher interviews will be Thursday evening and Friday morning (Dec 1 and 2). We will be sending home requests to see some parents with the report cards, but of course all are welcome.