Posted: February 2, 2012
Math 7E
Unit test for Module 2 is sent home today and should be returned to class signed tomorrow.
We have started our new unit on Module 7. This unit is very importatnt as it relates to science and how to evaluate data. Notes are posted below for the last few classes. Homework is to finish the example in the notes.
Extra help will continue to be day 4 at lunch.
Science 7L1 and 7L2
Today we continued to learn about the techtonic plates and earthquakes. Study guide for chapter 11 was passed out. Questions 1 to 3 were discussed in class and question 4 is for homework.
Sciencce 8E2
Test tomorrow on Chapter 5
Egg lab report is now due.
Science 8E1 and 8L
Test Monday on Chapter 5.
Egg lab report is now due.