Posted: April 28, 2016
Math 8E1
-The project <<La chasse aux diagrammes trompeurs>> is due Monday May 9th. The rubric of how it will be marked was discussed in class today. We modified it as a class to allow students to work individually or in groups of 2 or 3. The final version is posted below. Happy hunting! :)
Science 7L
-Today we learnt about radiation, conduction and convection. Notes are posted below and a worksheet was handed out to explain the three ways energy can travel.
-Students can read their text to help build vocabulary p.200-2005 and 227-236.
Science 8
-We learnt about Achimedes today.
-We reviewed for our next test. We spent time looking at how to make good strong conclusions. We should use general statements, use our data to support our statements and summarise what we have learnt.
-Our next test will be 2 classes from now.
-See notes below.