Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

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Posted: September 20, 2012

Math 7L notes posted below finish worksheet for tomorrow. still some test not returned signed. Science 7L Project is due Monday.  Notes from today posted below Science 8le We are in the lab next class worksheet on microscopes optiques was passed in today Science 8L1 Quiz Wed sept 26th class We started learning about cells today.

Posted: September 19, 2012

Science 7E1 ·        Sign test ·        Project due at start of next week Science 8L1 ·        Students should be reviewing their notes and parts of a microscope.  Worksheet answers are posted below. ·        Les microscopes optique assignment should be signed Science 8E ·        Students should be reviewing their notes and parts of a microscope.  Worksheet answers are posted below.   Math 7L ·        Notes posted below ·        Homework sheet due tomorrow. ·        Assignment due Friday was given out today.  Time will be given to work on it in class tomorrow. Science 8L2 ·        Finish sheet on parts of a microscope and study this sheet.   Reminder to 7L students of my tutorial 1st period tomorrow.

Posted: September 18, 2012

    Math 7L 1.     Today we started algebra.  We will continue to work on this all week. 2.     Quiz was sent home to sign.   Science 7L 1.     Outline of how project will be marked is posted below   Science 7E1 1.     Quiz next class.  We did a practice test today in class. 2.     Project due next Tuesday 3.     Outline of how project will be marked is posted below   Science 7E2 1.     Project due next day 4 2.     Outline of how project will be marked is posted below  

Posted: September 14, 2012

Smart board and scanner did not work this afternoon so no worksheets are posted. L   Science 7L 1.       Quiz Monday on the first group of vocabulary words. Math 7L 1.       No homework J Science 8L 1.       Complete open book assignment.   2.       Review parts of a Microscope Science8E 1.       Finish worksheet on parts of a microscope We practiced taking our own notes today.  THis is a good skill to develop for high school! Science 8L2 1.       Finish worksheet We practiced taking our own notes today.  THis is a good skill to develop for high school!
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Posted: September 13, 2012

Science 7L 1.   Notes placed on website.  More terms and vocabulary were given today that students can use in their project.  Next day one (September 20th) I am available to help students edit and work on their presentation part of the project during 1st period.   Please let me know if your child is interested in this help. 2.   Tentative date to present is September 21st.   As the date approaches we can always give extensions if needed.  Students worked well in class today. 3. We will be having a quiz on the first set of new words  Monday.   I want to make sure that students are learning the new vocabulary as we go.  It will be too hard if we leave it until the end of the unit.  Quiz will be 12 points and is matching.  We will do a practice quiz tomorrow in class. Math 7L 1.   Assignments were corrected in class. 2.   Quiz tomorrow. 3.   Students should review how to say numbers in French.  J Science 8L2 We learned about the first microscopes today.  Students created their own magnifying lenses and compared it to a bought magnifying glass.  Observations and comparisons will be important skills we will continue to work on this year.   Science 8L1 1.   See notes below 2.   Students are to finish the worksheet on identifying the parts of a microscope. 3.   One more class to prepare and then we will be in the lab using our microscopes!

Posted: September 12, 2012

  Science 7 1.       Students should continue to bring their materials and research to class to work on their ecosystem project. 2.       Don’t forget that I have a cupboard of materials that you can use. J Science 8L1 and 8E 1.       Finish microscope paper Science 8L2 1.       Review notes Math 7L assignment due tomorrow. Quiz Friday
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Posted: September 11, 2012

    Math 7L Finish p. 12 Q 6.   Notes posted below.   Assignment 1 is due Thursday (posted below in word document) and quiz on divisibility rules is Friday.   Science 7   1.       Students should  be researching their animal for their ecosystem project at home.  2.       Students are to bring to class materials and research to work on their projects during science class and in student enhancement. 3.       Students may work individually or in groups of 2 or 3. 4.       Project is to create the ecosystem of an animal and present it to the class using the new vocabulary from our ecology unit. 5.       Notes are posted below. 6.       Rubric of how students will be marked will be explained next class and then posted to the website. 7.       Remember that the SCIENCE is important not the artistry!          

Posted: September 10, 2012

Reminder to all students that text books should be covered. Forms are now due back to school. Science 7E2 1.       Discover book activity due next class for 10 points. 2.       Bring shoe box to next class with art supplies.   Science 8E 1.       Study 7 characteristics of living things.   Science 7E1 1.       Discover book activity due next class. 2.       Bring shoe box to next class.   Science 7L 1.       Research animal 2.       Bring shoe box and art supplies to next class.

Posted: September 6, 2012

Day 1 of the 2012- 2013 school year has come to an end.    A reminder to students to have all forms signed and returned to school as soon as possible.  Student fees (20$) are now due and can be passed in to the homeroom teacher.  Please note that my scanner/printer is not working.  I do not have the ability to post work sheets at this time.      Goodie cart starts tomorrow.  1$ for items.  Profit goes to support team field trips. All text books should be covered for Monday. Math 7L and Science 7L ·         Parent information sheets have been sent home.  Please read and send back.  The sheets outline expectations and give information on how  students will be marked this year.  My contact information can be found on this sheet.  Please note that their is 2 Angela Murphy's so email must be sent to Science 8L1 and 8L2 ·         Parent info sheets ·         Cover books for Monday ·         Discover book activity due next class. (value 10 points in assignmen section)

Posted: August 28, 2012

Welcome to the Red Team!   This year I will be the homeroom for 7E1 and co-team leader with Mrs. Kingston.   We have 6 homerooms and 107 students this year on the red team.   Just a reminder to students that first day of classes for red team is Thursday September 6th.      Homework, worksheets and class notes will be posted regularly on my teacher page during the year.  Check back often to see pictures of what we are doing in class.  Lots will be happening this year in Science and Math.   Math 7L Science 7 Science 8


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