Homework September 13th

Posted: September 13, 2012

Science 7L 1.   Notes placed on website.  More terms and vocabulary were given today that students can use in their project.  Next day one (September 20th) I am available to help students edit and work on their presentation part of the project during 1st period.   Please let me know if your child is interested in this help. 2.   Tentative date to present is September 21st.   As the date approaches we can always give extensions if needed.  Students worked well in class today. 3. We will be having a quiz on the first set of new words  Monday.   I want to make sure that students are learning the new vocabulary as we go.  It will be too hard if we leave it until the end of the unit.  Quiz will be 12 points and is matching.  We will do a practice quiz tomorrow in class. Math 7L 1.   Assignments were corrected in class. 2.   Quiz tomorrow. 3.   Students should review how to say numbers in French.  J Science 8L2 We learned about the first microscopes today.  Students created their own magnifying lenses and compared it to a bought magnifying glass.  Observations and comparisons will be important skills we will continue to work on this year.   Science 8L1 1.   See notes below 2.   Students are to finish the worksheet on identifying the parts of a microscope. 3.   One more class to prepare and then we will be in the lab using our microscopes!