Posted: June 17, 2012
Mrs. McQuaid Murphy
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: June 17, 2012
I have updated the heat lab and finger print photo galleries. Please take a look at all the fun stuff we have done during our final units of science.
Posted: June 15, 2012
Permission slip for field trip Monday is attached below.
We had a wonderful day at Camp Sheldrake. Pictures to follow.
Posted: June 14, 2012
Grade 7 field trip is tomorrow.
Remember to bring lots of water and snacks. All students need a lunch that does not need to be heated up. Students need to have sneakers on to participate in activities.
Wear clothes for physical activity. It is always a good idea to bring a change of clothes in case you get wet!
See you all in the morning for a fun day outside.
Mme Murphy :)
Posted: June 4, 2012
Math assessment starts tomorrow. Students need a calculator and math set
Science 7
We finished chaapter 9 review sheet. This is now due to me. We started our last unit.
Posted: May 31, 2012
Math 7E
Study mental math. Some work was passed back today. We will do a practice test tomorrow in class.
Science 7
no homework
Science 8
Finger print labs 1 and 2 are due.
Posted: May 29, 2012
More photos were added to the heat and finger print lab galleries.
Math 7E
Students should be going over their notes from this year. Students should also be reviewing Mental Math. Quiz for Mental Math tomorrow. We have covered all material for the year and are now reviewing in class.
Science 7
We are finishing up our heat labs.
Science 8
Tomorrow we will be lifting finger prints. Please bring a mirror to class.
Posted: May 26, 2012
This year at HMS our grade 7 red team students had the chance to visit the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA) to spawn salmon. In February we were given 300 eggs. Over the last few month we have watched them hatch and grow. We have had the chance to learn about the importance of conservation...
Posted: May 26, 2012
This year at HMS our grade7 red team students had the chance to visit the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA) to spawn salmon. In February we were given 300 eggs. Over the last few month we have watched them hatch and grow. We have had the chance to learn about the importance of conservation...
Posted: May 24, 2012
A lot is happening on the red team this week!
Fish Friends trip is this Saturday. We leave from the school at 9am. Parents are responsible for the transportation of the students who are involved in this project.
Grade 7 field trip to Camp Sheldrake forms are due back with the 10$. Please give to homeroom teachers.
Photo galleries were posted with pictures of what is going on in science. Take a look at all the fun and interesting things we are doing. Science is alive on the red team :)
I will not be in tomorrow so no homework will be posted. Students should make use of their agenda.
Math 7E
In class Mental Math assignment tomorrow.
Today we learned about coordiantes. Question 6 is for homework.