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Posted: October 13, 2011

Here are the 3 websites we used in class.  It is a fun way to practice for your quiz tomorrow.  Also, don't forget to review the examples we did in class that you copied in your duotangs as the are very similar.   Mlle Ross :)

Posted: October 13, 2011

            8L Quiz: Avoir & être au présent Carnet de lecture is due next Wednesday, October 19th.  7E Quiz: Avoir & être au présent 7L1 & 7L2 Reminder: Your book report (rapport de livre) is due Friday, November 4th. *Good luck to the Girls Varsity soccer team tonight!!   Have a great evening,   Mlle Ross

Posted: October 11, 2011

Homework:   7E Sign their short story "L'aventure d'une fourmi" Carnet de lecture (mini book report) is due tomorrow.  A student will lose 10% for every day it is late. 7L1 & 7L2 Sign their short story/presentatoin "L'aventure d'une fourmi"

Posted: October 10, 2011

The JV soccer team was announced on Friday.  If you missed the meeting at lunch, please check the list outside the gym or my classroom to see if your name is on the list and be at pratice tomorrow, Tuesday October 11, 6pm @ MVHS.  This practice is also for the Varsity Girls Soccer....see you girls tomorrow!

Posted: October 10, 2011

Another friendly reminder that your carnet de lecture (journal) is due on Wednesday, Oct. 12.   See you tomorrow! :)

Posted: October 6, 2011

Just a reminder that we will begin our presentations of the Mobiles TOMORROW! Just a reminder that if you do not have it completed tomorrow, you will lose 10%. See you tomorrow,Mlle Ross

Posted: October 3, 2011

8L - Just a reminder to bring everything you need to work on your mobile tomorrow.   7L1/7L2 - Your good copy of your story "L'aventure d'une fourmi" is due tomorrow. Remember, this is an oral presentation also but DO NOT memorize your story.  Please see attachement to view the rubric again. Have a great evening!

Posted: October 3, 2011

The girls varsity soccer team will have their 2nd game TOMORROW, Tuesday October 4th @ MVHS VS Dr. Losier.  Girls, please be at the field by 5:15 as we will try to start as soon as possible. GOOD LUCK!!!! :)

Posted: September 30, 2011

        Homework for 7E The GOOD COPYof your story "L'aventure d'une fourmi" must be handed in at the BEGINNING of French class on Monday, October 3rd. Please see attachment for more details. Homework 7L1/7L2 Corrections for your draft for "L'aventure d'une fourmi," must be completed for Monday, October 3rd. Monday we will be writing our good copies in class and they must be all handed in by the end of the day or you will lose 10% for each late day that it is late. Bonne fin de semaine! :)

Posted: September 30, 2011

        Good afternoon, I explained to 8L an oral presentation ("Mobile de toi") that is due Friday, October 7th.  The project is to create a hanging mobile   with 11 pictures suspended from it; we will then display them in my classroom. The homework for Monday is that each student must find 11 pictures for each of the categories listed below, as we will be working on your mobiles in class on Monday. PLease bring your pictures and any craft supplies that you might need to build your mobile. If you do not have a photo and do not have time to take one, then they can cut one out of a magazine.  Please do no work on it this weekend and you will have class time this week. Thanks and have a great weekend! :) *Please see below for the directions to the project: Ce projet va être une présentation orale.  Tu va créer un mobile avec des photos qui te représentent. Voici les choses que je veux voir:   *une photo toi(seul) tes amis ta famille      ...loisir (pass time/hobby)      ...nourriture      ...boisson      ...couleur      ...moyen de transport      ...saison      ...d'un bon souvenir --1 points pour chaque photos (11)--2 points pour créativité et originalité--2 points pour présentation orale  
