Mlle. Ross - Archive

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: January 31, 2012

Yeah! The website is back! 7L1/7L2 - Verb test- Avoir & être au présent. 7E- Verb test (présent - les verbes qui terminent avec "er","re", "ir" 8L - Review notes as you will have a test near the end of next week.   Have a great night! :)

Posted: January 10, 2012

Mobile de toi   Please have your pictures and materials necessary to build your mobile for Wednesday, January 10th.  You will have 3 classes to work on them!   Voici les choses que je veux voir:   *une photo                                                  toi(seul)                                                  tes amis                                                  ta famille                                                                                                            ...loisir (hobby/ton passe-temps)                                                           ...nourriture                                                           ...boisson                                                           ...couleur                                                           ...moyen de transport                                                           ...saison                                                           ...d'un bon souvenir

Posted: December 19, 2011

Please remember that the Red Team's grade 7 Pot-luck is tomorrow, Tuesday, December 20th.   Students were given the notice to bring home  last week. All students' have signed up in their homeroom (either appetizer, main course, dessert, or forks/knives/plates/napkins/pop, etc.

Posted: December 19, 2011

Good afternoon! Just a reminder of the French test tomorrow on "Passé composé." Dont't forget: er  ->  é ir  -> i re -> re Exceptions:  Devenir/revenir/venir  ------- venu   If anyone has anymore questions, feel free to come up to my classroom a few minutes before the morning bell!

Posted: November 29, 2011

       Just a reminder to please bring in items for our local Food Bank and items for the Animal Shelter.  Suggestions items for the food bank are: Kraft dinner, peanut butter, cheese whiz, jam, cereal, canned siyo, crackers, canned beans, pasta, canned meat and fish. Suggestions for the Animal Shelter are: cat food (canned/hard), dog food, cleaning supplies, detergent, animal toys, clumping cat litter, old blankets/towels   Thank you to all who have already sent in items with my students!!

Posted: November 27, 2011

7EPlease bring in your materials for your project "mobile de toi" on Monday, as we will be working on them again.   Hope you are having a great weekend! :)

Posted: November 23, 2011

7E Students will be working on their projects all day tomorrow and Friday. Please bring all 11  photos and ALL materials necessary to work on the mobile. Students have seen examples already and should have an idea of how to hang their pictures. Here are the guidelines again: Ce projet va être une présentation orale.  Tu vas créer un mobile avec des photos qui te représentent.   Voici les choses que je veux voir:   *une photo                                                  toi(seul)                                                  tes amis                                                  ta famille                                                                                                            ...loisir                                                           ...nourriture                                                           ...boisson                                                           ...couleur                                                           ...moyen de transport                                                           ...saison                                                           ...d'un bon souvenir Total                     /50 11 photos                /11 Explications           /10 Créativité             /10 Oral                     /9 écriture                /10   7L1 & 7l2 Spelling test Friday!

Posted: November 19, 2011

Pour complètement conjuguer un verbe au passe composé, il faut utiliser la conjuguaison d'avoir & être au présent avant le verbe. Exemples:J'ai mangé (manger) de la crème glacée.    ----> manger is conjugated with "avoir" =J'aiNous avons changé de classe.  -------> changer is conjugated with "avoir" = nous avons **N'oubliez l'accord du verbe! Elle est rentrée (rentrer) dans la maison.Vous (garçons) êtes entrés (entrer) dans l'école. Elles sont allées au théâtre.   Alors, tu conjugues le verbe être au présent avec le sujet. Ensuite, tu enlève la terminaison "er" et le change à "é".  N'oubliez pas, que si le sujet et féminin singulier, tu ajoutes un "e" c'est féminen pluriel, tu ajoutes "es" si c'est le sujet sont plusieurs garçons, tu ajoutes un "s" et pas de "e".  So you add either "e", "es, " or "s" after the "é"

Posted: November 17, 2011

Just a reminder to please wear pink tomorrow to take a stand against BULLYING!

Posted: November 17, 2011

7E Verb test - avoir & être au présent / passé composé *Note: please review your study sheet that I gave yesterday. Sign Comprehension Test 7L1&7L2 Spelling Test
