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7E: Test de homophones tomorrow! I have extra help today at 1:40! List of homophones that could be on the test: C'est, Ses, Ces, Sais, SaitT’a, TaM’ont, MonEt, Est, EsSon, SontLeur, LeursMes, Mais, Met, metsOn, ontTout, tous, toute, toutes   Practice test: Écrire une phrase pour chaque homophone suivant : Ta : _______________________________________Son :______________________________________Mais :______________________________________ Choisir le bon homophone : 1) Je (sais/c’est) la bonne réponse!2) (Leur/leurs) parents sont vraiment gentils.3) (tous/toutes) les filles sont contentes.4) Tu (met/mets/mais) tes devoirs dans ton sac à dos.   Est-ce que c'est le bon homophones? Si non, écrire le bon. 1) Ma mère adore ses enfants. 2) Tout les filles aiment les sports. 3) Les professeurs mon donné beaucoup de devoirs, 4) J'aime mon frère est mon chienne.   Answers 1) sais 2)Leurs 3) toutes 4) mets _____________ 1) c'est la bonne réponse 2) Toute 3) m'ont 4) c'est la bonne réponse, et, ma

Posted: May 22, 2012

7E Worksheet "Les homophones" TEST on homophones THURSDAY! Sign comprehension test & Poem 8L,7L2 & 7L2 Sign last week's assignments! Have a great night!

Posted: May 8, 2012

8L Sign "texte narratif" writing piece. Sign worksheet " Le genre" All Classes If you missed any of my French classes last week, please do not forget to check in the folder to see what you have missed. All students present today who missed a day last week, your comprehension test that you received today is due TOMORROW.   Have a great evening! :)
Road Hockey (7L2) Eric W. Justin U. Shelby F. AJ A. Trey D. Ian W. Guitar (7l2) Harrison A. *If you are signed up for hockey, you must bring your stick and hockey gloves (if you have them). *If you are signed up for guitar, you must bring your guitar.
Good evening,   7L1, 7L2 & 7E will be going to a Maple Syrop Bush on Wednesday, March 28th.  Students are to have their permission slips & $10 (which covers the cost of their meal) by tomorrow.  If they arrive Wednesday morning with neither, they will not be going.   Also 7L2, I am still missing a few signed envelopes from report cards.   Have a great night! :) Mlle Ross

Posted: February 29, 2012

Just a reminder that 7L2 has a pizza party (that we won) tomorrow because we are awesome! The students will stay in my  class for the full hour tomorrow.! :)

Posted: February 29, 2012

7L1, 7L2 & 8L  each have a test on passé composé.  PLease see the link for the answers for the 7L1 & 7L2 review.
PDF icon 7l_answers.pdf3.81 MB

Posted: February 28, 2012

7E Presentation of "Décris une chose", which is Show & Tell. All students MUST have their object, or a picture of their object, for their presentation.  7L1 & 7L2 & 8L All three classes will have a test on" passé composé" on THURSDAY! I will have a tutorial tomorrow, Wednesday @ 11: *Students MUST study their verbes of "avoir" & "être" au présent (they already had a test this year), the rules of "faire l'accord" with verbed that are conjugated with "être", and the new endings (er-é, re-u, ir-i).  

Posted: February 7, 2012

7E & 8L  both have a test tomorrow on "présent".  I have extra help today at 11:55-12:20. Both test will have the following format (this is the review we did in class today:   Part A ( conjuguez les verbes suivants au présent) Communiquer                                        Descendre                                     Nourrir Je _____________                                            Tu______________Il/Elle/On ____________Nous ______________Vous_________________Ils/elles _______________  Part B 1. Nous ______________________________ (manger) à 12h.2. J’ ____________________________________ (attendre) pour mon père.3. Bravo! Vous  ___________________________________ (finir) vos devoirs chaque soir.4. Mon frère _______________________________(répondre) souvent le téléphone.5. Elles ______________________________ (choisir) des bons amis.6. Tu _____________________________ (parler) beaucoup.

Posted: January 31, 2012

As stated on my previous note, 7L1/7L2 has a test tomorrow.  After silent reading, we will review the verbes again and take a few minutes to study. The students must remember that you HAVE to study for this is memorizing verbs! Good luck! The format will be: Avoir      J’_______________________________ Tu ________________________ Il/Elle/On ____________________________ Nous ________________________________ Vous _______________________________ Ils/Elles ____________________________  être Je _______________________________ Tu ________________________ Il/Elle/On ____________________________ Nous ________________________________ Vous _______________________________ Ils/Elles _________________________  



7L1& 7L2 & 8L Test tomorrow!