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Posted: November 16, 2011

              7E Test Friday - verbes "avoir" & "être" au présent / passé composé A 2 page review sheet was given to the students today I will also have a tutorial tomorrow at lunch (11:55), however students must study to memorize verbes! 7L1&7L2 Sign 2 comprehension tests Spelling test Friday

Posted: November 9, 2011

Bonjour! 7L1 Sign last week's spelling test. Don't forget to CORRECT (3 times) each word you had wrong. Sign the comprehension test " L'Halloween et ses origines." 7L2 Sign last week's spelling test. Don't forget to CORRECT (3 times) each word you had wrong. 8L Please sign the comprehension test "Perdue dans la forêt"
7L1- Tomorrow you have me after Nutrition Break, the only day where I do not have you last period.  Therefore, as prviously discussed, your spelling test will be TOMORROW and not Monday. See you tomorrow! :)

Posted: November 8, 2011

7L2 Sign last week's quiz & "test de compréhension Spelling test Thursday 7L1 Spelling test Thursday 7E Sign "Test d'ortho" and "Test de compréhension" Quiz tomorrow on the second half of passé composé. (les verbes qui termine avec "er" et qui se conjugue avec "être) Notes for quiz: Pour complètement conjuguer un verbe au passe composé, il faut utiliser la conjuguaison d'avoir & être au présent avant le verbe. Exemples:J'ai mangé de la crème glacée.Nous avons changé de classe. **N'oubliez l'accord du verbe! Elle est rentrée (rentrer) dans la maison.Vous (garçons) êtes entrés (entrer) dans l'école. Elles sont allées au théâtre.   Alors, tu conjugues le verbe être au présent avec le sujet. Ensuite, tu enlève la terminaison "er" et le change à "é".  N'oubliez pas, que si le sujet et féminin singulier, tu ajoutes un "e" c'est féminen pluriel, tu ajoutes "es" si c'est le sujet sont plusieurs garçons, tu ajoutes un "s" et pas de "e".   Try these links below:

Posted: November 6, 2011

Just a reminder of the book report that is due tomorrow for 7L1 & 7L2.  Hope you had a great weekend! see you tomorrow! :)

Posted: November 2, 2011

7E Quiz on "passé composé" for verbes that end in "er"    (er--->é and "avoir" au présent) 7L1 & 7L2 Spelling quiz tomorrow (10 words).  The words are on yesterdays note.   See you tomorrow! :)

Posted: November 1, 2011

Here is the list of words for this week's spelling test that will be on Thursday since there is no school on Friday. Also, a reminder to sign last week's spelling quiz.   MOTS aujourd’huiaussi avecbeaucoupbien chercher cependant dans dehorsdéjà

Posted: October 28, 2011

Although 7E students will be away during their French class, they are to hand in their French stories to me on Monday, October 31st, as they have already received an extension.   Have a great weekend! :)

Posted: October 26, 2011

There will be a girls JV Soccer practice today, Wednesday , October 26th at the MVHS field (beside the gym) from 5:30pm-6:30pm.  

Posted: October 17, 2011

8L Sign your verb quiz Carnet de lecture is due Wednesday! 7E Sign your verb quiz AND canet de lecture
