Homework - Wednesday, November 23rd

Posted: November 23, 2011

7E Students will be working on their projects all day tomorrow and Friday. Please bring all 11  photos and ALL materials necessary to work on the mobile. Students have seen examples already and should have an idea of how to hang their pictures. Here are the guidelines again: Ce projet va être une présentation orale.  Tu vas créer un mobile avec des photos qui te représentent.   Voici les choses que je veux voir:   *une photo                                                           ...de toi(seul)                                                           ...de tes amis                                                           ...de ta famille                                                           ...sport                                                           ...loisir                                                           ...nourriture                                                           ...boisson                                                           ...couleur                                                           ...moyen de transport                                                           ...saison                                                           ...d'un bon souvenir Total                     /50 11 photos                /11 Explications           /10 Créativité             /10 Oral                     /9 écriture                /10   7L1 & 7l2 Spelling test Friday!