Mrs. Stewart

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: November 30, 2015

Due:  Tuesday, Dec. 8th
File endangered_species_projectdue.docx17.11 KB

Posted: November 30, 2015

Posted: November 30, 2015

Students will present a book talk to the class on a novel they are currently reading or have already finished.  Requirements are attached.  Students will come up with a rubric that will be uploaded later this week. 
File book_talk_requirements_8a.docx13.04 KB

Posted: November 26, 2015

New Due Date of Dec. 3rd Students have a copy of all project choices and their values (students pick projects that add up to 10 and best utilize their strenghts and are areas of interest).  Most work is being done at school and so very few students will need to be finishing at home. 
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Posted: November 26, 2015

7A - Quiz will be Nov. 26th 8A and 7/8B - Quiz will be Dec. 01

Posted: November 18, 2015

7A - Nov. 24 8A - Nov. 25 7/8B - Nov. 26   Students will have a full class of review before the quiz.  Yellow science duo-tangs should be coming home over the next week for studying.  I will post the full review and study questions assigned after each classes review period.
Students have had three classes to work on their Ecosystems in class.  They still have three student enhancement classes as well as Friday's science period for finishing touches and practicing their presentations.  See attached assignment guidelines, student generated rubric and definitions.
Students have been working on a persuasive writing piece for two weeks.  We have completed various 6+1 trait editing activities and compiled a rubric that includes persuasive features.  Only if the good copies are not complete should you see the writing home tonight or tommorow night.  Attached are the topic choices.
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Posted: October 27, 2015

Students have three classes to create a model ecosystem.  Guidelines and due date are attached as well as current definitions.  Students should be bringing supplies in for Wednesday and Friday (Oct. 28th and 30th)  Be creative and have fun!
