Mrs. Richardson

Welcome To Our Page


Thu, Jun 9/16 9:02 am

We will be leaving the school at 10:15am and returning by 2:45pm. Students must dress according to weather, have suncreen + insect repellant, bottle of water. We will be eating on site, microwave or stove will not be available. School dress code is in affect.

Posted: June 2, 2016

Classe titulaire 6E1 (HOMEROOM) + Equipe violette (Purple Team).Contact: email:cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb(link sends e-mail) or 627-4088(link sends

  • Parent notice has gone home detailing our upcoming field trips for the month of June and the cost asociated with each one. Please note, we are requesting the signed portion indicating which field trip your child will be attending and their meal choice for Dairy Queen to be returned no later then Monday June 6th. 
  • We would like to congratulate Alexis Falconer for being Student of the Month for April. Alexis is a very hard working student who always puts her best forward. She is also always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates and teachers. Congratulations Alexis :-)

Français (French) 6E1, 6E2

  • 6E1-Announce Publicitaire" **** Students should be working on their draft " New Product"
  • 6E1: Projet final du Caméléon (50 points) a remettre lundi le 13 juin, 2016. ( Final projects for our novel study "Le Caméléon" are due Monday June 13th).
  • 6E2: Projet final "Les Pirates" (50 points) a remettre lundi le 13 juin, 2016. ( Final projects for our novel study "Les Pirates" are due Monday June 13th).
  • 6E2- Get  both reading comprehension activities signed.
  •  6E2-We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" ****Students should be thinking of an idea for their "New Product"
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and Smart devices.

Français (French) 6L (late)

  • Reading 10-15 minutes in French every evening ( Monday to Thursday), they will choose books from my classroom.
  • Students should have their draft copy of Affiche #2 finished and be ready to conference with the teacher.
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and smart devices
  • Science Humaines (Social Studies) 6E1, 6E2, 6L.

    • All classes- Have received all their notes for the next chapter, they should be reviewing their notes once or twice a week. We will be working on this chapter for the next few weeks and their will be a quiz at the end of all activities + discussion.

Posted: June 1, 2016

Classe titulaire 6E1 (HOMEROOM) + Equipe violette (Purple Team).Contact: email:cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb(link sends e-mail) or 627-4088(link sends

  • Parent notice has gone home detailing our upcoming field trips for the month of June and the cost asociated with each one. Please note, we are requesting the signed portion indicating which field trip your child will be attending and their meal choice for Dairy Queen to be returned no later then Monday June 6th. 
  • We would like to congratulate Alexis Falconer for being Student of the Month for April. Alexis is a very hard working student who always puts her best forward. She is also always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates and teachers. Congratulations Alexis :-)
  • We would like to congratulate Sophie Taylor and Elizabeth Cooper for being students of the week on the Purple Team. Week of May 16th-20th,2016. Way to go!

Français (French) 6E1, 6E2

  • 6E1-Announce Publicitaire" **** Students should be working on their draft " New Product"
  • 6E1: Projet final du Caméléon (50 points) a remettre lundi le 13 juin, 2016. ( Final projects for our novel study "Le Caméléon" are due Monday June 13th).
  • 6E2: Projet final "Les Pirates" (50 points) a remettre lundi le 13 juin, 2016. ( Final projects for our novel study "Les Pirates" are due Monday June 13th).
  • 6E2- Get  both reading comprehension activities signed.
  •  6E2-We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" ****Students should be thinking of an idea for their "New Product"
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and Smart devices.

Français (French) 6L (late)

  • Reading 10-15 minutes in French every evening ( Monday to Thursday), they will choose books from my classroom.
  • Students should have their draft copy of Affiche #2 finished and be ready to conference with the teacher.
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and smart devices
  • Science Humaines (Social Studies) 6E1, 6E2, 6L.

    • All classes- Have received all their notes for the next chapter, they should be reviewing their notes once or twice a week. We will be working on this chapter for the next few weeks and their will be a quiz at the end of all activities + discussion.

Posted: May 31, 2016

Classe titulaire 6E1 (HOMEROOM) + Equipe violette (Purple Team).Contact: email:cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb(link sends e-mail) or 627-4088(link sends

  • Parent notice has gone home detailing our upcoming field trips for the month of June and the cost asociated with each one. Please note, we are requesting the signed portion indicating which field trip your child will be attending and their meal choice for Dairy Queen to be returned no later then Monday June 6th. 
  • Students have been writing their grade 6 provincial assessments the past two days. They have completed sections Math, Science and English Reading Comprehension. Tomorrow they will finish the last part of the assessment in the morning French Reading Comprehension. ****Please note if your child was absent for any part of the assessment when they return they will complete it. All assessments must be completed and sent back to Fredericton by the end of the day Thursday.
  • We would like to congratulate Alexis Falconer for being Student of the Month for April. Alexis is a very hard working student who always puts her best forward. She is also always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates and teachers. Congratulations Alexis :-)
  • We would like to congratulate Sophie Taylor and Elizabeth Cooper for being students of the week on the Purple Team. Week of May 16th-20th,2016. Way to go!

Français (French) 6E1, 6E2

  • 6E1-Announce Publicitaire" **** Students should be working on their draft " New Product"
  • 6E1: Projet final du Caméléon (50 points) a remettre lundi le 13 juin, 2016. ( Final projects for our novel study "Le Caméléon" are due Monday June 13th).
  • 6E2: Projet final "Les Pirates" (50 points) a remettre lundi le 13 juin, 2016. ( Final projects for our novel study "Les Pirates" are due Monday June 13th).
  • 6E2- Finir les deux compréhension de lecture " Jour de Congé" et " C'est Bien Fait Pour George" pour demain, mercredi le 1er juin. Students must complete both reading comprehension activities for tomorrow June 1st. We will be correcting first period.
  •  6E2-We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" ****Students should be thinking of an idea for their "New Product"
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and Smart devices.
  •  6E1 & 6E2: Booklet " Les vacances" is due June 1st,  this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day).

Français (French) 6L (late)

  • Reading 10-15 minutes in French every evening ( Monday to Thursday), they will choose books from my classroom.
  • The students received their last activity booklet " Les vacances" last week, this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day). Booklet is due June 1st.
  • Students should have their draft copy of Affiche #2 finished and be ready to conference with the teacher.
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and smart devices
  • Science Humaines (Social Studies) 6E1, 6E2, 6L.

    • All classes- Have received all their notes for the next chapter, they should be reviewing their notes once or twice a week. We will be working on this chapter for the next few weeks and their will be a quiz at the end of all activities + discussion.

Posted: May 25, 2016

Classe titulaire 6E1 (HOMEROOM) + Equipe violette (Purple Team).Contact: email:cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb(link sends e-mail) or 627-4088(link sends

  • We would like to congratulate Alexis Falconer for being Student of the Month for April. Alexis is a very hard working student who always puts her best forward. She is also always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates and teachers. Congratulations Alexis :-)
  • We would like to congratulate Sophie Taylor and Elizabeth Cooper for being students of the week on the Purple Team. Week of May 16th-20th,2016. Way to go!

Français (French) 6E1, 6E2

  • 6E1-Announce Publicitaire" **** Students should be working on their draft " New Product"
  • 6E1- Faire signer Jour de Congé" et " C;est bien fait pour Georges", (Get signed)
  •  6E2-We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" ****Students should be thinking of an idea for their "New Product"
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and Smart devices.
  •  6E1 & 6E2: Booklet " Les vacances" is due June 1st,  this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day).

Français (French) 6L (late)

  • Reading 10-15 minutes in French every evening ( Monday to Thursday), they will choose books from my classroom.
  • The students received their last activity booklet " Les vacances" last week, this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day). Booklet is due June 1st.
  • Good copy of Affiche #1 due Tuesday May 24th, 2016.
  • Both reading comprehensions " Jour de Congé" et " C'est Bien Fait Pour Georges" due Tuesday May 24th, 2016. 
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and smart devices
  • Science Humaines (Social Studies) 6E1, 6E2, 6L.

    • All classes- Have received all their notes for the next chapter, they should be reviewing their notes once or twice a week. We will be working on this chapter for the next few weeks and their will be a quiz at the end of all activities + discussion.

Posted: May 24, 2016

Classe titulaire 6E1 (HOMEROOM) + Equipe violette (Purple Team).Contact: email:cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb(link sends e-mail) or 627-4088(link sends

  • We would like to congratulate Alexis Falconer for being Student of the Month for April. Alexis is a very hard working student who always puts her best forward. She is also always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates and teachers. Congratulations Alexis :-)
  • We would like to congratulate Sophie Jardine and Elizabeth Cooper for being students of the week on the Purple Team. Week of May 16th-20th,2016. Way to go!

Français (French) 6E1, 6E2

  • 6E1-Announce Publicitaire" **** Students should be working on their draft " New Product"
  • 6E1- Faire signer livret " Pâques et Printemps" et quiz " Le Caméléon". ( Get signed)
  • 6E1- Faire signer Jour de Congé" et " C;est bien fait pour Georges", (Get signed)
  • 6E2- Faire signer le livret " Pâques et Printemps" et le quiz les pirates (Get signed).
  •  6E2-We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" ****Students should be thinking of an idea for their "New Product"
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and Smart devices.
  •  6E1 & 6E2: Booklet " Les vacances" is due June 1st,  this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day).

Français (French) 6L (late)

  • Reading 10-15 minutes in French every evening ( Monday to Thursday), they will choose books from my classroom.
  • The students received their last activity booklet " Les vacances" last week, this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day). Booklet is due June 1st.
  • Good copy of Affiche #1 due Tuesday May 24th, 2016.
  • Both reading comprehensions " Jour de Congé" et " C'est Bien Fait Pour Georges" due Tuesday May 24th, 2016. 
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and smart devices
  • Science Humaines (Social Studies) 6E1, 6E2, 6L.

    • All classes- Have received all their notes for the next chapter, they should be reviewing their notes once or twice a week. We will be working on this chapter for the next few weeks and their will be a quiz at the end of all activities + discussion.

Posted: May 20, 2016

Classe titulaire 6E1 (HOMEROOM) + Equipe violette (Purple Team).Contact: email:cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb(link sends e-mail) or 627-4088(link sends

  • We would like to congratulate Alexis Falconer for being Student of the Month for April. Alexis is a very hard working student who always puts her best forward. She is also always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates and teachers. Congratulations Alexis :-)
  • We would like to congratulate MacKenzie Rolph and Dylan Gifford for being students of the week on the Purple Team. Week of May 9th-13th,2016. Way to go!

Français (French) 6E1, 6E2

  • 6E1-Announce Publicitaire" **** Students should be working on their draft " New Product"
  • 6E1- Faire signer livret les vacances et quiz " Le Caméléon". ( Get signed)
  • 6E1- Faire signer Jour de Congé" et " C;est bien fait pour Georges", (Get signed)
  • 6E2- Faire signer le livret les vacances. (Get signed)
  •  6E2-  Reading comprehension quiz on our novel " Les Pirates" Tuesday May 24th, 2016.
  •  6E2-We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" ****Students should be thinking of an idea for their "New Product"
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and Smart devices.
  •  6E1 & 6E2: Booklet " Les vacances" is due June 1st,  this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day).

Français (French) 6L (late)

  • Reading 10-15 minutes in French every evening ( Monday to Thursday), they will choose books from my classroom.
  • The students received their last activity booklet " Les vacances" last week, this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day). Booklet is due June 1st.
  • Good copy of Affiche #1 due Tuesday May 24th, 2016.
  • Both reading comprehensions " Jour de Congé" et " C'est Bien Fait Pour Georges" due Tuesday May 24th, 2016. 
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and smart devices
  • Science Humaines (Social Studies) 6E1, 6E2, 6L.

    • All classes- Have received all their notes for the next chapter, they should be reviewing their notes once or twice a week. We will be working on this chapter for the next few weeks and their will be a quiz at the end of all activities + discussion.

Posted: May 19, 2016

Classe titulaire 6E1 (HOMEROOM) + Equipe violette (Purple Team).Contact: email:cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb(link sends e-mail) or 627-4088(link sends

  • We would like to congratulate Alexis Falconer for being Student of the Month for April. Alexis is a very hard working student who always puts her best forward. She is also always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates and teachers. Congratulations Alexis :-)
  • We would like to congratulate MacKenzie Rolph and Dylan Gifford for being students of the week on the Purple Team. Week of May 9th-13th,2016. Way to go!

Français (French) 6E1, 6E2

  • 6E1-Announce Publicitaire" **** Students should be working on their draft " New Product"
  • 6E1- Faire signer livret les vacances et quiz " Le Caméléon". ( Get signed)
  • 6E1- Finir (finish) compréhension de lecture questions pour " Jour de Congé" et " C;est bien fait pour Georges", get both reading comprehension books/ questions done for tomorrow Frday May 20th.
  • 6E2- Faire signer le livret les vacances. (Get signed)
  •  6E2- We are continuing our novel study " Les Pirates",Finish chapter 8 vocabulary words and comprehension question (1) ***-Students should be reviewing their activities in regards to this novel as there will be a comprehension quiz after the final chapters coming up next week.
  •  6E2-We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" ****Students should be thinking of an idea for their "New Product"
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and Smart devices.
  • Booklet " Les vacances" is due June 1st,  this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day).

Français (French) 6L (late)

  • Reading 10-15 minutes in French every evening ( Monday to Thursday), they will choose books from my classroom.
  • The students received their last activity booklet " Les vacances" last week, this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day). Booklet is due June 1st.
  • We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" **** All students should be working on their good copy. Some students have finished their good copy and our now working on their draft of 2nd Affiche Publicitaire.
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and smart devices
  • Science Humaines (Social Studies) 6E1, 6E2, 6L.

    • All classes- Have received all their notes for the next chapter, they should be reviewing their notes once or twice a week. We will be working on this chapter for the next few weeks and their will be a quiz at the end of all activities + discussion.

Posted: May 18, 2016

Classe titulaire 6E1 (HOMEROOM) + Equipe violette (Purple Team).Contact: email:cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb(link sends e-mail) or 627-4088(link sends

  • We would like to congratulate Alexis Falconer for being Student of the Month for April. Alexis is a very hard working student who always puts her best forward. She is also always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates and teachers. Congratulations Alexis :-)
  • We would like to congratulate MacKenzie Rolph and Dylan Gifford for being students of the week on the Purple Team. Week of May 9th-13th,2016. Way to go!

Français (French) 6E1, 6E2

  • 6E1-Announce Publicitaire" **** Students should be working on their draft " New Product"
  • 6E1- Faire signer livret les vacances et quiz " Le Caméléon".
  • 6E2- Faire signer le livret les vacances.
  •  6E2- We are continuing our novel study " Les Pirates",Finish chapter 7 vocabulary words and comprehension question (1) ***-Students should be reviewing their activities in regards to this novel as there will be a comprehension quiz after the final chapters coming up next week.
  •  6E2-We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" ****Students should be thinking of an idea for their "New Product"
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and Smart devices.
  • Booklet " Les vacances" is due June 1st,  this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day).

Français (French) 6L (late)

  • Reading 10-15 minutes in French every evening ( Monday to Thursday), they will choose books from my classroom.
  • The students received their last activity booklet " Les vacances" last week, this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day). Booklet is due June 1st.
  • We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" **** All students should be working on their good copy. Some students have finished their good copy and our now working on their draft of 2nd Affiche Publicitaire.
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and smart devices
  • Science Humaines (Social Studies) 6E1, 6E2, 6L.

    • All classes- Have received all their notes for the next chapter, they should be reviewing their notes once or twice a week. We will be working on this chapter for the next few weeks and their will be a quiz at the end of all activities + discussion.

Posted: May 17, 2016

Classe titulaire 6E1 (HOMEROOM) + Equipe violette (Purple Team).Contact: email:cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb(link sends e-mail) or 627-4088(link sends

  • Students should bring a small snack for intermission during the play tomorrow, as we will be at JMH for Nutrition Break. No goodie cart or items will be avaialble to buy, students are also only permitted to bring water.
  • We would like to congratulate Alexis Falconer for being Student of the Month for April. Alexis is a very hard working student who always puts her best forward. She is also always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates and teachers. Congratulations Alexis :-)
  • We would like to congratulate MacKenzie Rolph and Dylan Gifford for being students of the week on the Purple Team. Week of May 9th-13th,2016. Way to go!

Français (French) 6E1, 6E2

  • 6E1-Announce Publicitaire" **** Students should be working on their draft " New Product"
  • 6E1- Faire signer livret les vacances et quiz " Le Caméléon".
  • 6E2- Faire signer le livret les vacances.
  •  6E2- We are continuing our novel study " Les Pirates",Finish chapter 7 vocabulary words and comprehension question (1) ***-Students should be reviewing their activities in regards to this novel as there will be a comprehension quiz after the final chapters coming up next week.
  •  6E2-We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" ****Students should be thinking of an idea for their "New Product"
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and Smart devices.
  • Booklet " Les vacances" is due June 1st,  this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day).

Français (French) 6L (late)

  • Reading 10-15 minutes in French every evening ( Monday to Thursday), they will choose books from my classroom.
  • The students received their last activity booklet " Les vacances" last week, this booklet is to be done at home or during Student Enhancement ( no more then 10-15 minutes per night...should not be completed in 1 day). Booklet is due June 1st.
  • We have also begun our next writing piece " Announce Publicitaire" **** All students should be working on their good copy. Some students have finished their good copy and our now working on their draft of 2nd Affiche Publicitaire.
  • Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and smart devices
  • Science Humaines (Social Studies) 6E1, 6E2, 6L.

    • 6L & 6E2 They have received all their notes for the next chapter, they should be reviewing their notes once or twice a week. We will be working on this chapter for the next few weeks and their will be a quiz at the end of all activities + discussion.
