Posted: March 17, 2011
All Language Arts classes - read for at least 15 minutes. AR goals due tomorrow, Friday, March 18th.
Language Arts 7E2 and 7L - Prepare a reading for your first oratory assignment. Due: Wednesday, March 16th. Choose a persuasive topic for your formal speech. Have your topic ready for Thursday, March 17th (for 7L) and Monday, March 21st (for 7E2). Oratory assignment #2 will begin on Tuesday, March 22nd (a choice between a demonstration, a dramatic scene or a sales pitch). Everyone has received their date for presenting assignment #2. Please see the documents section for the oratory rubric.
Language Arts 8E and 8F - Prepare a reading for your first oratory assignment. Due: Friday, March 18. Oratory assignment #2 will be due on Thursday, March 24th. Each student has received their date for presenting assignment #2 (a choice between a demonstration, a dramatic scene and a sales pitch.) Choose a topic for your formal speech. We will begin working on them the week of March 28th.
Sciences Humaines 7E1 - Chosir un sujet pour votre projet de patrimoine. (Heritage Fair) On va faire de la recherche dans la salle des ordinateurs lundi et mardi. Apportez votre recherche que vous avez fait à la maison et tous vos materiels pour travailler sur votre projet.