
Posted: April 5, 2011

Basketball New Brunswick - Bantam Regional Development (RD) Clinics

Posted: April 1, 2011

Birds chirping, sun shining, flowers blooming...all signs of SPRING!  The Spring Fling Drama Social will take place THIS FRIDAY, 6-8:30pm!  Check out the following glog for more info:

Posted: March 28, 2011

On behalf of Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids, Ms Miousse would like to particularly thank Ms Richardson for organizing the basketball activities in gym before the March Break, and the red team for choosing to support this activity with the money raised at thier social. Thank you to all the staff members and the students who have helped in any way. The school raised 682.00$. Ms Mcgrath was the top bowler....107 pointsMs Miousse....86 pointsMs Mutch......81 points Mr Thompson..76 pointsand Miss Richarson with her very positive attitude reached a balming 63 points. Fun was by all!

Posted: March 23, 2011

The science club met in two groups to learn about polymers.  The glue contains a polymer called polyvinyl acetate resin.   Students changed the polymers  behaviour twice in this activity; Once when we added water and the second time when we added borax.   Adding the water was a physical change where as adding the borax results in a chemical change.    

Posted: March 21, 2011

Last week Harkins students were entertained by the likes of TNB Young Company and their rendition of Shakespeare's classic, Romeo and Juliet.  On Sunday, 18 students took the opportunity to go to Fredericton to see TNB's representation of David Adams Richard's novel, Hockey Dreams.   This, all leading up to our own Spring play, "Death Rehearsal for Murder".  To the delight of young thespians and audiences alike- Drama season has begun! 

Posted: March 18, 2011

This year the Red team is learning through the use of a cross-curricular project.    Students are working on the  "Fish project" with the help of the Miramichi Salmon Association.   This is the first update on our project.    Students are excited to be able to partake in activities that allow them to use the material they are learning in Math, Science, Language arts, Social studies and French.     This update was created by the grade 7 students.     The next instalment will show the arrival of our new friends! To learn more, visit:

Posted: March 13, 2011

Are you interested in traveling to Fredericton this Sunday, March-20-11, to see TNB's version of Hockey Dreams, written by Miramichi's own David Adams Richards?  If so please bring in only $20 and the permission slip (attached, or provided by Ms Barrieau) ASAP, as participation will be on a first come, first served basis (only 25 seats available).  The cost of $30 covers your transportation and ticket.  A bagged lunch will be necessary and money for supper at mall food court will also be required.  Students had a blast at our last adventure before Christmas, and this one is sure to be a hit, e

Posted: March 5, 2011

Over the last three weeks, Mrs Cormier has challenged Harkins students to gather their spare change and buy paper bricks to support the house building project in El Salvador (Please see this video for more information:  Students rose to the challenge and raised $800 for this worthy cause.  The bricks were placed in the hallway close to the Tech 1 Lab and the length of bricks measured the length of a typical house to be built in El Salvador.  Harkins cares!    

Posted: March 2, 2011

From February 13th to the 25th Harkins Middle School hosted 9 French students and their teacher, from Bordeaux, France.  While visiting, our friends took in many events unique to our area and climate, including sliding, curling, skiing, snowshoeing, sleigh riding, canoeing, and geocaching.  Along with their host families, they were invited as special guest at our District 16 CUTE Awards.  Students also toured the JMH Media Center, created personal photostories, participated in a Survivor Night at the school and even experienced their first ‘Snow Day” on February 15th.  Even after only 2 weeks,

Posted: March 1, 2011

Let's do something about it!  The proceeds from the following activities will be divided between Bowl for Kids and Brick by Brick El Salvador Projects. BLUE AND PURPLE TEAMThursday March 3rd afternoon:The ultimate rematch!  After the boys defeated the girls by one basket last week, this game is sure to be a nail bitter!  The Girls Junior Varsity will play the Boys Junior Varsity.  To see the game, it costs $2.00/ per student. We can only fit 90 students in the balcony and 30 on stage (120), so bring your money quick! 


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