Ms. Beers

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: December 17, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-Complete activities for chapter 7 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so.      Study for a Pop Quiz.     7E1 & 7E2- Complete activities for chapter 7 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so.     Study for a Pop Quiz      8E1 & 8E2- Complete activities for chapter 11 of "Le Passage", if you have not already done so.      Study for a  Pop-Quiz           Reminder-We are also looking for donations for the SPCA! Secondly,         canned meats and fish are the Food Bank items of the week.      Enjoy your evening!                                                                      

Posted: December 16, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-Complete activities for chapter 7 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so.       7E1 & 7E2- Complete activities for chapter 7 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so.      8E1 & 8E2- Complete activities for chapter 11 of "Le Passage", if you have not already done so.           Reminder-We are also looking for donations for the SPCA! Secondly,         canned meats and fish are the Food Bank items of the week.      Enjoy your evening!                                                                    

Posted: December 12, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-Complete activities for chapter 7 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so. Also, please     finish your reading response.      7E1 & 7E2- Complete activities for chapter 7 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so. Also,     please complete your reading response.      8E1 & 8E2- Complete activities for chapter 11 of "Le Passage". Please complete your reading     response.           Reminder-We are also looking for donations for the SPCA! Secondly,         pasta sauce,  and dried pasta are the Food Bank items of the week.      Enjoy your evening!                                                                 

Posted: December 11, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-Complete activities for chapter 6 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so. Also, please     finish your reading response.      7E1 & 7E2- Complete activities for chapter 6 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so. Also,     please complete your reading response.      8E1 & 8E2- Complete activities for chapter 11 of "Le Passage". Please complete your reading     response.           Reminder-We are also looking for donations for the SPCA! Secondly,         pasta sauce,  and dried pasta are the Food Bank items of the week.      Enjoy your evening!                                                                   

Posted: December 10, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-Complete activities for chapter 5 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so. Also, please     finish your reading response.      7E1 & 7E2- Complete activities for chapter 5 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so. Also,     please complete your reading response.      8E1 & 8E2- Complete activities for chapter 10 of "Le Passage". Please complete your reading     response.           Reminder-We are also looking for donations for the SPCA! Secondly,         pasta sauce, canned spaghetti and dried pasta are the Food Bank items of the week.      Enjoy your evening!                                                                     

Posted: December 9, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-Complete activities for chapter 5 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so.      7E1 & 7E2- Complete activities for chapter 5 of Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so.      8E1 & 8E2- Complete activities for chapter 10 of "Le Passage".            Reminder-We are also looking for donations for the SPCA! .       Enjoy your evening!                                                                     

Posted: December 6, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-Complete your reading response, if you have not already done so.      7E1 & 7E2- Complete your reading response, if you have not already done so.      8E1 & 8E2- Complete activities for chapter 8 of "Le Passage".            Reminder-We are also looking for donations for the SPCA! .       Enjoy your weekend!                                                                                                  

Posted: December 5, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-No Homework!.      7E1 & 7E2- Complete your reading response, if you have not already done so.      8E1- Complete your reading response, if you have not already done so.      8E2- Complete your reading response, if you have not already done so.          Reminder- The Food Bank is collecting canned goods this week.       We are also looking for donations for the SPCA!      Enjoy your evening!                                                                     

Posted: December 4, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-Complete "Tâche" 4 for Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so.      7E1 & 7E2- Complete "Tâche" 4 for Winn Dixie, if you have not already done so.      8E1- Please finish the activities for chapters 8 of "Le Passage".      8E2- Please finish the activities for chapters 8 of "Le Passage".         Reminder- The Food Bank is collecting canned goods this week.              Enjoy your evening!                                                                           

Posted: December 3, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-Grammar Quiz Wednesday-les verbes.     7E1 & 7E2-Grammar Quiz Wednesday-les verbes. Complete "Tâche" 4 for Winn Dixie, if      you have not already done so.      8E1- Please finish the activities for chapters 8 of "Le Passage" and study for the grammar quiz.     8E2- Please finish the activities for chapters 8 of "Le Passage" and study for the grammar quiz.     Reminder- The Food Bank is collecting canned goods this week.              Enjoy your evening!                                                                           


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Added: Thu, Mar 31 2016