Ms. Beers

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: October 9, 2013

         Devoirs:           8L-  Your "Livre Animé" is  due Oct. 31st.         8E1 & 8E2- "Fiches de Lecture" are due Nov. 4th.                7E1 & 7E2- "Livre Animé" is due Oct. 31st.            Happy Thanksgiving!           Joyeux jour de l'Action de Grâce!                                                                       

Posted: October 8, 2013

         Devoirs:          8L-  Your "Livre Animé" is  due Oct. 31st.         8E1 & 8E2- "Fiches de Lecture" are due Nov. 4th.                7E1 & 7E2- If you have not already done so, please finish the assigned activities         from "la fracturation hydraulique".       Enjoy your evening!                                                                          

Posted: October 6, 2013

          Devoirs:          8L-  Quiz- masculin/féminin et la formation du pluriel             8E1 & 8E2- Quiz- masculin/féminin et la formation du pluriel         7E1 & 7E2- If you have not already done so, please finish the assigned activities         from "la fracturation hydraulique".       Enjoy your evening!                                                                                            

Posted: October 3, 2013

          Devoirs:           8L-  No homework!                  8E1 & 8E2- No homework!                    7E1 & 7E2- No homework!         Enjoy your evening!                                                              

Posted: October 2, 2013

          Devoirs:           Congratulations to Kristen Gillespie on placing third in the gas ticket          fundraiser contest. Your class and your school appreciates all of your          hard work! Way to Go!!           8L- Finish "genre" activities on page 23 and 24.             8E1 & 8E2- Finish "genre" activities on page 23 and 24.                  7E1 & 7E2- Please bring your "mobile de moi" supplies to school.            Enjoy your evening!                                                                            

Posted: October 1, 2013

          Devoirs:           Congratulations to Kristen Gillespie on placing third in the gas ticket          fundraiser contest. Your class and your school appreciates all of your          hard work! Way to Go!!           8L- No Homework!                 8E1 & 8E2- No Homework!                   7E1 & 7E2- Please bring your "mobile de moi" supplies to school.            Enjoy your evening!                                                                      

Posted: September 30, 2013

          Devoirs:           Congratulations to Kristen Gillespie on placing third in the gas ticket          fundraiser contest. Your class and your school appreciates all of your          hard work! Way to Go!!           8L- No Homework!                 8E1 & 8E2- If you have not already done so, complete mapping           activity for  "L'Égypte en Ébullition".          7E1 & 7E2- Please bring your "mobile de moi" supplies to school.            Enjoy your evening!                                                                         

Posted: September 27, 2013


Sun, Nov 3/13 8:00 pm
 8E2 & 8E1 Your "fiches de lecture" must be handed in on November 4th.

Posted: September 27, 2013

          Devoirs:           Congratulations to Kristen Gillespie on placing third in the gas ticket          fundraiser contest. Your class and your school appreciates all of your          hard work! Way to Go!!           8L- No Homework!                 8E1 & 8E2- If you have not already done so, complete mapping           activity for  "L'Égypte en Ébullition".          7E1 & 7E2- Please bring your "mobile de moi" supplies to school.            Enjoy your weekend!                                                                        

Posted: September 26, 2013

          Devoirs:           Reminder-We are raising money for the Terry Fox Foundation.           Students who bring in  $1.00  will have their names entered in           a draw to win a Terry Fox T-Shirt.          8L- No Homework!                 8E1 & 8E2- If you have not already done so, complete mapping           activity for  "L'Égypte en Ébullition".          7E1 & 7E2- Please bring your "mobile de moi" supplies to school.            Enjoy your evening!                                                                       


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Added: Thu, Mar 31 2016