Ms. Beers

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Posted: January 15, 2014

     Devoirs:     8L-Complete Winn Dixie activities for chapter 9 . Study for upcoming      quizzes-être,avoir, faire et aller and grammar quiz.     7E1 & 7E2-8L-Complete Winn Dixie activities for chapter 9 . Study for upcoming      quizzes-être,avoir, faire et aller and grammar quiz.     8E1 & 8E2-Complete the activities for chapter 14 of Le Passage, if you have not already done so.     Study for upcoming grammar quiz-les temps passé.      Enjoy your evening!                                                                        

Posted: January 14, 2014

     Devoirs:     8L-Finish grammar exercises 13-14, if you have not already done so. Study for upcoming      quizzes-être,avoir, faire et aller and grammar quiz.     7E1 & 7E2-Finish grammar exercises 13-14, if you have not already done so. Study for upcoming      quizzes-être,avoir, faire et aller and grammar quiz.     8E1 & 8E2-Complete the activities for chapter 13 of Le Passage, if you have not already done so.     Study for upcoming grammar quiz-les temps passé.      Enjoy your evening!                                                                       

Posted: January 13, 2014

     Devoirs:     8L-Finish grammar exercises 9-12.     7E1 & 7E2-Finish grammar exercises 9-12.     8E1 & 8E2- Finish Grammar exercises 24-30, if you have not already done so.      Complete the activities for chapter 13 of Le Passage, if you have not already done so.      Enjoy your evening!                                                                   

Posted: January 10, 2014

     Devoirs:     8L-Finish the activities for chapter 8 of Winn Dixie.      7E1 & 7E2- Finish the activities for chapter 8 of Winn Dixie!      8E1 & 8E2- Finish Grammar exercises 24-30!        Enjoy your weekend!                                                   

Posted: January 9, 2014

     Devoirs:     8L-No Homework!      7E1 & 7E2- No Homework!      8E1 & 8E2- No Homework!        Welcome back and enjoy your evening!                                                                        

Posted: January 8, 2014

     Devoirs:     8L-No Homework!      7E1 & 7E2- No Homework!      8E1 & 8E2- No Homework!        Welcome back and enjoy your evening!                                                                        

Posted: January 7, 2014

     Devoirs:     8L-No Homework!      7E1 & 7E2- No Homework!      8E1 & 8E2- No Homework!        Welcome back and enjoy your evening!                                                                      

Posted: December 20, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-No Homework!      7E1 & 7E2- No Homework!      8E1 & 8E2- No Homework!          Have a Safe and  Happy Holiday!                                                                      

Posted: December 19, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-No Homework!      7E1 & 7E2- No Homework!      8E1 & 8E2- No Homework!          Happy Holidays!                                                                   

Posted: December 18, 2013

     Devoirs:     8L-No Homework!      7E1 & 7E2- No Homework!      8E1 & 8E2- No Homework!           Reminder-We are also looking for donations for the SPCA! Secondly,         canned meats and fish are the Food Bank items of the week.      Enjoy your evening!                                                                


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Added: Thu, Mar 31 2016