Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

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Posted: February 11, 2014

Attached is a document created by our district in English that gives tips for creating and presenting a science fair project.  Please take a look.
PDF icon science_fair_student_project_tips.pdf29.72 KB

Posted: February 10, 2014

Science fair presentations begin Feb 18th.  All students will present before March break. Math 7L1 and 7L2-test on module 7 will be friday.-Practice questions given today and posted below.

Posted: February 7, 2014

Monday and Tuesday I will be doing a drop in science time after school.  Students are welcome to stay after school until 4:30pm to work on their science fair projects in the common room.  This is a good time for groups to work on their poster and presentation.

Posted: February 4, 2014

All students should have their science fair work at school. Science 7l2-Test Feb 5th Science 7L1-test Feb 6th Math 7L1 and 7L2-Some students still need to write the quiz (illness) so it will not be returned until Friday or Monday.-We continued to work on probability today.    Homework to finish questions in section 7.5
PDF icon feb_3rd_math_7l1_0.pdf1.16 MB

Posted: February 3, 2014

Science 7L-no test tomorrow.   ALL CLASSES OF SCIENCE SHOULD HAVE SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT HERE AT SCHOOL READY TO CONFERENCE. Math 7L1 and 7L2-notes below.  We talked about probability today-Study multiplication tables for homework. Science 8E1-We learned about buyancy today.  Notes below.  Test next week.-Quiz to be signed Science 8E2-Quiz to bee signed.-test next week-Today we learned about pressure and froce calculations  
PDF icon feb_3rd_math_7l1.pdf1.16 MB
PDF icon feb_3rd_math_7l2.pdf1.13 MB
PDF icon feb_3rd.pdf4.48 MB

Posted: January 29, 2014

Math 7L1 and 7L2-Test tomorrow on 7.1 7.2 and 7.3 of the student text.   Use the study guide we did in class today to review for the test.   Science 8L-Finish reading notes on >. -Continue to work on observations and conclusion section of science fair project.   Science 8E1-Research project on > is due next class. (Day 3)  

Posted: January 28, 2014

Math 7L-Review sheet for test given out and due tomorrow.  We will go over it in class tomorrow.  I will explain any questions students have trouble with.-Quiz Thursday Science 7L-Test next day 5 (1 week away).-Review sheet given out today.-Next week I will start meeting with groups to edit the draft of the science fair projects. Science 8L-Research project was assigned.  Students were given a topic to research how density relates to their topic.  Studnets had the class to research and place information on a 8x11 white paper.   This is due next class. 

Posted: January 27, 2014

Math 7L1 and 7L2-finish question from notes below.-duotang shoud be returned signed-rewrite is in class tomorrow  Science 7L1 and 7L2-lab sheet on distilation (yellow) is due next class.-Students should be doing the observations and conclution section of their science fair project.  During the next two weeks we will be working on the draft copy. Science 8E2-poster page on their research is due.  It must contain the topic given, a picture, and researched facts in their own words.  THe poster should be a good copy in colour that highlights their knowledge of density.-Students should be doing the observations and conclution section of their science fair project. During the next two weeks we will be working on the draft copy. Science 8E1-research due next class.-Students should be doing the observations and conclution section of their science fair project. During the next two weeks we will be working on the draft copy.  
PDF icon jan_27th_math_7l2.pdf787.71 KB
PDF icon january_27th_math_7l1.pdf737.89 KB

Posted: January 24, 2014

Math 7L1 and 7L2-sign test (rewrite tuesday)-notes below Science 8E1-Quiz next class Science 7L2-lab report on distillation
PDF icon jan_24_math_7l1.pdf732.34 KB
PDF icon jan_24th_math_7l2.pdf748 KB
PDF icon jan_24th_science_8.pdf237.22 KB

Posted: January 21, 2014

Students should be editing their science fair planning this week.   Students should always have a copy of this work with them in class. Math 7l1 and 7L2-test tomorrow on Module 2 Science 8E2-IN class we will correct the masse volumique worksheet.   Science 8L-Quiz on masse volumique next class Science 8E1-worksheet on masse volumique is due next class.  Quiz will be the following class.
PDF icon jan_21_science_8l.pdf262.55 KB
PDF icon jan_21st_math_7l.pdf282.51 KB


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