Mrs. Hamilton

Technology II is a course that encourages creativity and working with the hands and a variety of technologies

Posted: November 18, 2013

6 Math: We are working with decimals now. Students took home an information sheet about the current topics. 6 Science: Talking about microorganisms and will be starting to work with microscopes 7 Science: We've been taking notes about old food preservation techniques and will be next working with microscopes 8 Soc St: NB Project (see outline attached last week) due Wed Nov 27th 2013.

Posted: November 12, 2013

6 Math: Students are to finish their 'Integer' Assignment tonight and hand it in tomorrow.     We will be starting the 'Decimals' unit tomorrow. Please see attached memo.   6 Science: We have just begun the microorganisms section. All Arthropod assignments should be handed in and they will  receive these marks as well as their Arthropod quiz mark this week.   7 Science: All 'Decomposer' assignments should be handed in and students will receive their marks by the end of the week. We are starting a section on 'Food Preservation'   8 Soc St: We will be spending the next few classes working on our NB projects.

Posted: November 6, 2013

6A will have their Arthropod Quiz on Fri Nov 8 instead of Nov 7 as they missed a Science for the Science East Presentation.

Posted: November 6, 2013

Reminder that teams are collecting items for the Food Bank. Our current goal item to bring in is Kraft Dinner.

Posted: November 6, 2013

*REMINDERS* - Please check your child's agenda EVERY night.  There are assignments, quizzes and notes in the agendas that are not being signed on a regular basis by some. - Term 1 ends this Friday Nov 8. Report cards go home Tues Nov 19   6 Math: There has not been much for homework sent home this week because we are working on Integers. Students are working well in class with a lot of manipulatives that cannot be taken home (counters, dry erase number lines and markers, etc) 6 Science: 6B is having their Arthropod quiz today and 6A will have their's tomorrow. Some have yet to complete their arthropod assignment. 7 Science: All Microbe assignments were due last week but some students have yet to finish their's. This will have a negative impact on their mark. 8 Soc St: We are currently studying about Atlantic Canada's physical features.  There will be a NB project outline that will be sent home with students next class.    

Posted: October 29, 2013

6 Math: Finish Order of Operations sheet Mini Quiz tomorrow. Get assignment signed. 6 Science: Arthropods quiz - 6A - Thurs Nov 7, 6B - Wed Nov 6. Duotangs due Thurs Oct 31 7 Science: Decomposer Assignment due end of next class. 8 Soc St: Title Page due Friday Nov 1

Posted: October 23, 2013

6 Math: Assignments were due today.  They should be handed back Thurs or Fri. Any late assignments (without a legitimate excuse) lose 10% per day late. 6 Science: Arthropod Assignment due Friday. Students have had 4 full computer lab classes to work on it.    Please see attached outline. 7 Science: Duotangs are due tomorrow and Decomposer assignment is due Wed Oct 30 (7A) and Thurs Oct 31 (7B - I suggest having it done for Wed so you aren't working on it the night of the dance)    Please see "7 Science Duotang check" attachment. 8 Soc St: Duotang due Fri Nov Oct 25.                QUIZ Fri Nov 1, p.5 (I suggest having your major studying done by Thursday)

Posted: October 18, 2013

6 Math: There will be an operations assignment handed out on Monday that will be due Wed Oct 23rd. I'm asking students to take it home Monday night, try as many as they can and ask questions during class on Tuesday Oct 22. 6 Science: We are working on Arthropod projects. We will work them for one or two more classes and then they are due (approximately due in one week). See attached assignment sheet from "HOMEWORK Thursday Oct. 17th." 7 Science: Duotangs will be due in about a week and there will be a quiz shortly after. Make sure you have copied/asked for any missing notes and sheets before this time. 8 Soc St: Questions from the movie should be complete before the next duotang check (approximately one week)

Posted: October 17, 2013

6 Math: Anyone left to get quizzes signed do so right away 6 Science: Anyone left to get quizzes signed do so right away                 Have Arthropod topic picked for mini presentation by next class                 * See attachment below!* 7 Science: Anyone left to get quizzes signed do so right away 8 Soc St: Geocaching on Friday (remember comfortable footwear and clothing)

Posted: October 7, 2013

6 Math: Finish Addition sheet 6 Science: 6A Quiz tomorrow, 6B Quiz Wed (Living/nonliving, characteristics of life, 5 Categories of vertebrates and their characteristics, warm and cold blooded definitions) 7 Science: Get Ecosystem quiz signed for +1% and homework mark. Finish Biome coloring this week. 8 Soc St: Get quiz signed if you haven't already.


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