Mrs. Breau

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: December 16, 2015

Homeroom 7L - Reminder that tomorrow is "Ugly Christmas Shirt Day" and Friday is "Wear Red and Green Day". Tomorrow morning we will be serving hot breakfast to all students and staff starting at 8:30. Pancakes, sausage and hash-browns are on the menu as well as juice.

Posted: December 11, 2015

 Homeroom 7L - There are no forms to be signed tonight.  Reminder that the Christmas Social is this evening from 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Next week starting on Tuesday is Holiday Spirit Week. Tuesday is wear your "Santa Hat Day".

Posted: December 10, 2015

Homeroom 7L - There are no forms to get signed this evening. Reminder that the Christmas Social is tomorrow night from 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Posted: December 9, 2015

Homeroom 7L - There are no forms to get signed this evening.French 8A and 7/8B - We are currently working on our presentation, "Les Sports Extrêmes". All work will be done in class and the computer lab. French 6A and 6B - We are almost done creating our books about "L'automne". All work is completed in class. French 7A - We are currently presenting a short biography of one of our classmates. 

Posted: December 7, 2015

Homeroom 7L - Newsletter went home today. Don't forget to fill out the back for a chance to win a movie pass. Math Operations 7E2 - Please finish your sheet on Decimals and Fractions for next Day 3. Reminder that tomorrow night is our annual "Christmas Family Night" from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.hope to see you there! 

Posted: December 1, 2015

Homeroom 7L - Reminder that tomorrow is "Wear a Toque Day". Homeroom had a 100% participation for "Jersey Day" today. Way to go 7L!

Posted: November 30, 2015

Homeroom 7L - Remember tomorrow is "Jersey Day" tomorrow.Please make sure you are dressing for the weather...."It's cold outside."

Posted: November 26, 2015

Homeroom 7L - There are no forms to get signed this evening. Reminder of Spirit Week next week:Tuesday, December 1st: Jersey Day!Wednesday, December 2nd: Toque Day!Thursday, December 3rd: Harkins Pride Day! (Blue & White)Friday, December 4th: PJ Day! Math Operations 7E2 - Please finish Math Operations #6 for next Day 3.

Posted: November 19, 2015

Homeroom 7L - Reminder that there is "Parent - Teacher" this evening from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. and tomorrow morning from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. There is no school for students tomorrow due to Parent - Teacher.

Posted: November 17, 2015

Homeroom 7L - Report Cards were issued today. Please sign insert and return tomorrow.Reminder that Parent Teacher is on Thursday evening and Friday morning.



Grade 8 Sample Questions for Review
Grade 7 Sample Questions for Review