Mrs. Breau

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Posted: April 1, 2015

Math 8A - Review for mini quiz on the Distributive Property. Math 7B - Please finish questions on Two-Step Equations if you have not already done so. Study for quiz on Two-Step Equations.

Posted: March 27, 2015

Math 8A - Please finish question #7 on page 347 and questions #4. a, b and #5. c, d if you have not already done so. Math 7B - No homework Reminder: Newsletter went out today.

Posted: March 25, 2015

Math 8A - Please review modelling equations using algebra tiles. Math 7B - Quiz on Equations tomorrow.

Posted: March 24, 2015

Math 8A - We are currently working on solving Two-Step Equations using algebra tiles. Math 7B - We are currently working on solving One-Step Equations using a variety of methods. Quiz on Thursday. Report Cards were issued today. Please return the envelope with a Parent/Guardian signature on the back.

Posted: March 20, 2015

Math 8A - No homework (For those students who need to bring back their test or quiz signed, please do so by Monday). Math 7B - No homework (For those students who need to bring back their test or quiz signed, please do so by Monday).Reminder:Please stock up on pencils and paper if you are running low. Please make sure you have a calculator for Math class. It does not have to be a Scientific calculator. A basic calculator from the Dollar Store is all you need at this level.

Posted: March 19, 2015

Math 8A - Please finish questions on Page 331 - #8 & 9, and questions #11, 12, and 13 on Page 332 if you have not already done so. Math 7B - Please get quiz on Area of a Parallelogram and Triangle signed and return tomorrow.

Posted: March 17, 2015

Math 8A - Please get your test signed on Rates and Ratios and return tomorrow. Please finish questions on Two-Step Equations if you have not already done so.Math 7B - Please get your test on Circumference and Area of a Circle signed and return tomorrow. Please finish questions on One-Step Equations if you have not already done so. 

Posted: March 13, 2015

Math 8A - No homework Math 7B - Review for Quiz on Area of a Parallelogram and Triangle on Monday. Please make sure to get a calculator if you do not already have one.

Posted: March 11, 2015

Math 8A - Test tomorrow on Rates and Ratios. Math 7B - No homework. There was a test today on Circumference and Area of a Circle.

Posted: March 10, 2015

Math 8A - Please finish questions #4- 13 on Rates on page 298 if you have not already done so. For those of you who forgot to get your ratios quiz signed, please get it signed and return tomorrow. Math 7B - Study for test tomorrow on Circumference and Area of a Circle.
