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Think it Through Activity on page 71

Posted: May 31, 2010

Get Tests Signed :) Test was on Rock Cycle and Weathering. Current Science marks have been written on test as well. Chapter 11 Read pages 314-318 in textbook on Earthquakes.  Copy down the key terms and their definitions from these pages into your notebooks.

Posted: May 19, 2010

All students should have the english copy of their draft of the "Great Canadian" biography completed for tomorrow. Complete sentences and in paragraph form please.

Posted: May 18, 2010

Students need to study the notes on the Rock Families AND the Rock Cycle and Weathering
There will be a test this friday on the Rock Cycle and Weathering.  Students should study pages 295-299 and their summarized notes for those pages, given to them in class (please see attached document) They will laso be required to understand and be able to explain in their own words the processes that rocks go through in the Rock Cycle.
Microsoft Office document icon The_Rock_Cyclean_Weathering_notes.doc137.5 KB

Posted: May 13, 2010

Think it Through Activity page 64, all questions.

Posted: May 12, 2010

All classes have begun researching "Great Canadians".   Each student must select a well-known Canadian (or an important person in their lives) and research biographical information for that person.  Some class time will be provided for research.  All research must be completed and brought to class for Monday May 17th. We will be writing drafts, translating information and completing the final projects in class.  Some students may need to finish their final products as homework if they are not completed during the allocated class time.   Due dates are tentative and will depend on class progress.   I am posting the 9 questions that each student must research for their biographies
There will be a rewrite for the test on Rock Families tomorrow May 13th from 12:15-1pm.   Students should study;   Pages 289-294 in the text the 13 key terms included on those pages  Summary notes provided in class for Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic rocks. Please see attachment.  
Microsoft Office document icon Rocks_Families_notes.doc27.5 KB