Ms. Gregan Notes

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Posted: October 29, 2014

Hi Everyone,   Tonight is your first night working on your Book Talk. Make sure you are following your plan. Tonight is Wednesday so tonights homework should be what you have in your plan for Wednesday. Each night you will do a little piece of your book talk, so by next Wednesday it should be completed and all you will have to do is practice. Remember your book talk is only 3 minutes in length, so it's really important that you practice.   Below is the information on the book talk that was your handout.   The purpose of your book talk is simply to share a book you finished reading with your teacher and classmates.   This is how it will work: 1. Hold up the book and read the title and author. 2. Introduce the main characters. 3. Summarize the plot without giving away the ending. 4. Read aloud a passage from the book that is chosen because it is exciting, important, or grabs the reader's attention (leaves us wanting more.) 5. Would you recommend this book? Why (to whom) or why not?   **** Remember each one of the above numbers will be your homework instead of a lift. Tonight is number one so you will be finding a book and writing a little paragraph about the author and his/her writing style. ******   Have a great night! Mrs. Gregan

Posted: October 22, 2014

- Read 15 minutes - Lift a sentence from your book and make a connection or inference. Don't forget about the Halloween Dance on Friday night. It should be a great time!

Posted: October 14, 2014

- Read 15 minutes. (Don't forget to log your reading.)- Lift a sentence from your book. (If you are unsure about what to write for your lift look at the previous examples on this teacher page.) Please remember to do the AR quiz first thing the next day in class when you finish your book. ** Don't forget that re-takes for your school photo will be done tomorrow as well. ** Have a great night everyone!

Posted: October 8, 2014

There is no homework for the long weekend. I would appreciate it if you all went over the criteria, marking and examples of the lifts that you are being marked on weekly. It is really important that you understand how to achieve 3 points on each criteria. I certainly enjoy handing out full marks. Organization - 1 point for the title, 1 point for the page # & paragraph # and one point for the sentence lifted. 3 points in total.Content- 1 point if you state the reason generally (EX: I lifted this because it sounded cool.) 2 points if you state the reason using specifics (EX: I lifted this because it used a great verb "shattered".) 3 points if you state the reason using specifics and you show me how it made you feel. (Ex: I lifted this because the verb shattered made me visualize how the windshied broke and I could picture the tiny pieces of glass flying everywhere.)Conventions - 1 point for correct grammar, 1 point for correct punctuation and 1 point for correct spelling. 3 points in total. You are responsible for all sight words and all month to month phonics words up to grade 5. If you attempt to spell an unknown word and it is in close proximity to the actual word and I can determine that you must have used a spelling strategy to attempt the word, you will not lose a point for the spelling of that word.  EXAMPLE OF A FULL 9 POINT LIFT Savvy Page 10       Paragraph 4" The car bolted down under the overpass and I watched as the windshield scraped against the metal and shattered into a million pieces. "I lifted this sentence because the word shattered help me picture the windshield breaking and all the tiny pieces of glass flying everywhere. This would be nine point lift. ( A 9 pointer as we say in class!) A big thank you to everyone who supported the basketball game here this afternoon. Great team spirit Harkins!Have a fantastic weekend everyone!Mrs. Gregan

Posted: October 3, 2014

6E1 and 6E2Notebook Know Hows should be passed in today. They are to be placed in the blue bin with your class number on it. These are on the floor at the back of the classroom. 6L and 7L Please pass in your Notebook Know Hows on Wednesday October 8th.  ** Make sure you put a * beside the two lifts you want me to mark. **If you are unsure about the marking or criteria for your lifts, below are examples to guide you. Organization - 1 point for the  title, 1 point for the page # & paragraph # and one point for the sentence lifted. 3 points in total.Content- 1 point if you state the reason generally (EX: I lifted this because it sounded cool.) 2 points if you state the reason using specifics (EX: I lifted this because it used a great verb "shattered".) 3 points if you state the reason using specifics and you show me how it made you feel. (Ex: I lifted this because the verb shattered made me visualize how the windshied broke and I could picture the tiny pieces of glass flying everywhere.)Conventions - 1 point for correct grammar, 1 point for correct punctuation and 1 point for correct spelling. 3 points in total. You are responsible for all sight words and all month to month phonics words up to grade 5. If you attempt to spell an unknown word and it is in close proximity to the actual word and I can determine that you must have used a spelling strategy to attempt the word, you will not lose a point for the spelling of that word. Have a fantastic weekend everyone!Mrs. Gregan

Posted: September 26, 2014

Happy Friday! No homework! *** Grade 7L please try and think of some ideas for your upcoming writing assessment on Tuesday.*** 6E2 if you haven't already returned your picture envelope please do so. Have a great weekend everyone! Mrs. Gregan

Posted: September 25, 2014

- Read for 15 minutes - Choose a lift from your reading. Below is an example of a lift:"The bus rattled on and on away from Kansas."Page 86 Paragraph 4 I lifted this because the author showed me that the bus was old and rickety by saying that it rattled on and on.  ** There are still some people who have not returned their photo envelopes. Please do so as this is the property of the photographer and he needs to have the envelopes back.  Have a great night and remember tomorrow is Freaky Friday so have your song ready for class.

Posted: September 24, 2014

- Read for 15 minutes (make sure you are reading a chapter book)- Lift something from your book, below is an example of a lift:"A little bird told me that tomorrow is someone's birthday." Page 12 Paragraph 4 I lifted this because Ms. Rosemary didn't really mean that a little bird told her this she was just trying to tell them that they couldn't keep the secret from her.  Make sure you bring in your money for the bake sale or money to put in for a chance to win the Terry Fox t-shirt. Have a great Wednesday night everyone. ** Don't forget to bring back your envelopes even if you are not ordering your pictures.*** Mrs. Gregan 
