Congratulations to the winner of the Problem of the Week #7, Benson Doak from 6L2 (click on the thumbnail to see his solution). Benson has won a $10 gift card for the movies. Thank you to all the students who participated in the Problem of the Week #7.
Students involved in the Mats For Haiti Project will meet on Day 3 and Day 4 in Mrs. Coughlan’s classroom (205), from 11:55 to 12:25. New members welcome!
Students involved in the HistoryPin Project will meet next Wednesday, April 10, and Thursday, April 11th, during Student Enhancement in the Orange Team Computer Lab. Bring your interview and picture information.
The HMS Yearbook 2012-2013 is on sale for $20.Yearbooks are a great collection of memories. In it are pictures of classes, special events, sports, clubs, dances etc...a great way to showcase Harkins! If your child would like a yearbook, they must pre-order. We do not order extras as we must pre-pay when we order in April.You can send the $20 into school with your child or if you will be attending Parent-and-Teacher, you can pre-order that day as well. Just give your $20 to a teacher during your PT interview.Thanks for you support and we hope to see many yearbooks sell in the next few weeks
Harkins Middle is proud to announce that our very own Logan Savoy is the Anglophone School District North Grade 7 Chess Champion! Also, HMS's Jessica Miersch is the Grade 6 runner-up. Way to go Logan and Jessica!
Harkins Middle School received an ArtsSmarts grant that allowed grade 8 Orange Team students to participate in creative inquiry regarding our community’s heritage and culture. ArtsSmarts is about teachers and artists working together with student to explore relevant issues through curriculum based artistic engagement. As part of HMS 2013 ArtsSmarts projects, students worked under the direction of Mr.
Please click on the thumbnail on the left to get the Problem of the Week #7.
All solutions must be submitted by noon time on Thursday, April 4.
Please remember:
First and Last Name
Problem of the Week #
Answer done on a sheet of looseleaf (folded in fourths in order to fit into the ballot box)
Congratulations to the winner of the Problem of the Week #6, Christopher Cooke from 8B (click on the thumbnail to see his solution). Christopher has won a $10 gift card for the movies. Thank you to all the students who participated in the Problem of the Week #6.
On Sunday, HMS's own Laura Dickinson took away the female gold at the Miramichi River Runners 5k race with a stunning time of 18:30 minutes. There were 59 participants in the race, including Ms Perry, Ms Stewart, Ms Barrieau and Mr Trevors. Way to go Laura! Way to go HMS!For more info and photos, visit: