For some time, Lorenzo has relied on a calculator to multiply. He has just realized the 8 button (key) on his calculator is broken. Come up with a method so that Lorenzo could still use his calculator to solve the problem 82 x 816.
All solutions are due by noon on Friday, May 24.
**Please remember to put your first and last name, class, and problem number on your sheet before you put it in the ballot box.
Congratulations to the winner of the Problem of the Week #13, Alex Leslie from 6E1(click on the thumbnail to see his solution). Alex has won a $10 gift card for the movies. Thank you to all the students who participated in the Problem of the Week #13.
One of the responsibilities of Ms. Robertson’s property management company in Silver Mountain is to clear the snow from the parking lot and walkways of the Birchwood Condominiums. She is trying to decide which of the programs offered by Anderson’s Lawn Care and Snow Removal (as shown below) would best suit her needs.
Option Cost (including HST)
A $225 each time parking lot and sidewalk are plowed
B Two payments of $3652 for unlimited clearing after a snowfall
C Three payments of $2561 for unlimited clearing after a snowfall
D One payment of $7200 for unlimited clearing after a snowfall
There will be HMS track and field tonight (Monday) at the JMH track in Chatham from 5-6:30pm. There will be a run afterschool on Tuesday at Harkins, 3-4pm.There will be another practice 5-6:30pm on Thursday as well. All those interested are welcome to attend!
Due to unforseen circumstances, our public play at MVHS will be postponed until next week. Students will perform at 6pm NEXT Tuesday, May 21th at the MVHS theatre. $5 admission.Cybermare (45mins); Intermission (10-15 mins); Stuck (35mins)Students should arrive at the MVHS theatre by 5:45pm. ******We will perform for the student body at HMS SOMETIME NEXT WEEK... Thanks for your continued support in these final performances of the year!
Possible solutions were 34 317, or 65 328, or 96 339. Congratulations to the winner of the Problem of the Week #12, Danielle Davies from 8E (click on the thumbnail to see her solution). Danielle has won a $10 gift card for the movies. Thank you to all the students who participated in the Problem of the Week #12.
The winner of the drama club's annual Mother's Day basket draw was Theresa Girourd. Congratulations Theresa! Thanks to all those who supported our club this season. Happy Mother's Day!
The Harkins Middle School Drama club is home from a super successful drama festival. Besides participating in shows, workshops and talent showcases, the students were privy to a special recognition ceremony. Here are the awards that the club came away with:For ‘Cybermare’:Special Adjudicator’s Mention for Outstanding Use of Tech- The Company of Cybermare Special Adjudicator’s Mention for Outstanding Scenic Painting- Sarah MSpecial Adjudicator’s Mention for Handling Sensitive Material- The Company of Cybermare Outstanding Actor- Jordan POutstanding Actor- Danielle DFor ‘Stuck’:Special Adjudic
The Miramichi Kinsmen and Anglophone North School District are pleased to accept film entries for the Third Annual Kin Film Festival. All students in ASD-N are invited to participate. Students may submit films in one or both of the two categories.
The first category is the Kin Category. Films in this category will address the theme “Doing the Right Thing”.
The second category is the Open Category. Films of any genre or subject matter can be submitted to this category.
The top films selected in each category will be screened.