Mrs. Kingston

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Posted: February 19, 2014

DEVOIRS   Math 7E2 - Révision du module P. 293 # 3, 5, 8, 9, 11 (for Monday)   Math 7E1 - No homework    Math 8E1/8E2/8L - No homework    REMINDERS: All Red Team students were given 5 tickets last week to sell as a fundraiser for end of the year trips.  Tickets are $1 each and are due back on Monday, Feb.24th.  Grade 8 Ski Trip to Poley Mountain is tomorrow.  Students must be at the school for 7:00 am. If the ski trip needs to be cancelled due to weather conditions, an announcement will be made on the radio station and it will be posted on the Harkins homepage (under the video announcements) by 6:10 am.

Posted: February 18, 2014

DEVOIRS   Math 7E1/7E2 - Probability worksheet completed for next class.   Math 8E1/8E2 - Complete "A ton tour" worksheet (if you did not finish in class).   REMINDERS: All Red Team students were given 5 tickets last week to sell as a fundraiser for end of the year trips.  Tickets are $1 each and are due back on Monday, Feb.24th.   Grade 8 Ski Trip to Poley Mountain is this Thursday, Feb.20th.  Students must be at the school for 7:00am.   

Posted: February 13, 2014

DEVOIRS   Math 7E1/7E2 - Today we conducted experiments to compare theoretical probability with                           experimental probability.                         - Please get Unit 7 Quiz signed if you have not already done so.   Math 8E1/8E2 - P.460 # 5, 6, 7, 8   GRADE 8 - SKATING TOMORROW!  

Posted: February 12, 2014

DEVOIRS   Math 8E1/8E2/8L - Get Unit 1 test signed and return   Math 7E1/7E2 - Get Unit 7 quiz signed and return   REMINDERS:  Thursday is "Wear a Heart Day".  Gr.8 students will be skating at the Civic Centre on Friday, Feb.14th (10:15-11:40).

Posted: February 11, 2014

DEVOIRS   Math 8E1/8E2/8L - Get Unit 1 test signed and return   Math 7E1/7E2 - Get Unit 7 quiz signed and return   Wednesday is "Look-alike day"...choose a friend or more and dress alike!  

Posted: February 10, 2014

DEVOIRS    Math 8E1/8E2/8L - Get Unit 1 Test signed and return                          Math 7E2/7E1- No homework     REMINDERS: Tuesday is "wear your slippers" day

Posted: February 7, 2014

DEVOIRS    Math 8E1/8E2/8L - No homework.  We are working on drawing views of objects after horizontal and vertical rotations.   Math 7E2/7E1- No homework. Students wrote Unit 7 quiz today.    REMINDERS: Monday is Blue & White day HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!    

Posted: February 6, 2014

DEVOIRS    Math 8E1/8E2/8L - No homework    Math 7E2/7E1- Unit 7 Quiz tomorrow (mean, median, mode, range)    REMINDERS: Grade 8 students - All forms and money for the ski trip are due TOMORROW. Tomorrow is PJ Bottom Day ($1) to help raise money for GSA.  

Posted: February 5, 2014

DEVOIRS    Math 8E1/8E2/8L - Students have started Unit 8 (Geometry).  We will be completing most of the work in class as students will be using linking cubes to build objects and draw the views.                                Math 7E2/7E1- Quiz on Friday (Unit 7)   REMINDERS: Grade 8 students - All forms and money for the ski trip are due February 7th. Friday is PJ Bottom Day ($1) to help raise money for CHAT Club and GSA.


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Added: Fri, Jun 17 2016