Mme Comeau

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: October 4, 2016

Come to class ready to describe and draw a well known monster of your choice!

If you need to look up the name, a picture, or any details that you would like to include, please do so this weekend.  Tuesday we will be finishing the draft copies of your descriptions.  Remember to think in simple terms as you are writing in a second language!

Have a great long weekend!

Due Date: 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Posted: October 4, 2016

Reminder to bring in any final food bank donations, as they are being sent down tomorrow!

Happy Thanksgiving long weekend!!

Due Date: 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Posted: September 21, 2016

Photo proofs went home yesterday and must be returned by Wednesday Sept 28th with money if you'd like to order photos. (Or for a second chance, write RETAKE on envelope & return)

Tickets for the school fundraiser are due back by Monday, Sept. 26th.  Sell, sell, sell!  Great prizes, $2 tickets, prizes for students who can't go wrong!

Food bank donations - Red team is doing a food drive with the local radio station.  We will walk the donations down on Oct. 5th.  If you have any non-perishable food items to spare, please bring them in! :)