Miss Barrieau

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science
Math- Finish test revision for tomorrow (see document on this page); Test Friday (perimeter, area & volume)Sciences- Space project due Tuesday; Work on Science Fair project
Math- p 229 1 to 5 (6E2); p 233 1 to 3 (6E1 & 6L1)Science- Work on Space project (due Tuesday) & Science Fair project (due Feb 23rd)

Posted: January 26, 2015

PDF icon expo_sciences.pdf56.68 KB

Posted: January 26, 2015


Sun, Feb 8/15 8:00 pm

Posted: January 26, 2015


Thu, Feb 26/15 8:00 pm

Posted: January 26, 2015


Sun, Feb 8/15 8:00 pm
Math- p 229, 1 à 5Sciences- Space project due Tuesday, Feb 3rd.  Science Fair project, Feb 23rd.  See websites below for ideas.

Posted: January 26, 2015

Science Fair is fast approaching!  Here is a compilation of websites with ideas for testable Science Fair projects.We will be presenting the week of February 23-27th.http://hms.nbed.nb.ca/news/science-fair-project-ideas
Math- Science- MCV!!!


Image Galleries

Added: Tue, Jan 3 2017


Added: Sat, Apr 11 2015


Les vertébrés et invertébres- Le groupe de Erin
Les animaux disparus- Le groupe de Erin
La classification- Eric 6L1
Espèce en péril- Haylie 6L1