Miss Barrieau

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science
Math- Logique 8 due Monday; PP 7 due TuesdayScience- Sign rubrics  
Math-Science- 6E1 Quiz tomorrow; Sign rubrics for: notebook, Space Project & Science Fair project (distributed Friday)
Math- Due for Tuesday,  p 164 #1 à 5; p168 #1,2,3,4,5,6Sciences-Sleigh ride Monday.   
Math- Art et fractions project is due; p164 #1-5 • Sleigh Ride tomorrow!  Dress properly with snow pants, hats, mitts, scarves.• Carrefour Thursday- Bring in $2 and permission slip• Skating Friday.
Math- Logique 7 et PP6 are due; Sign testSciences- make sure your duotang is intact (journals, title pages) 

Posted: March 10, 2015

Math- Sign test and work on correctionsSleigh ride moved to next Wednesday, March 18th, 2015.
Math- Sign test (Égalité)


Image Galleries

Added: Tue, Jan 3 2017


Added: Sat, Apr 11 2015


Les vertébres- Marcus 6L2
La classification des feuilles- Ian 6L2
Oiseau dodo- Sarah 6L2