Posted: September 28, 2012
PIctures have been posted to the gallery for science 7L. Great work! Marks will be sent home Monday.
Science 7L
Finish last question on worksheet.
Study for a test latter next week.
Math 7L
Test Tuesday on sections 1.1 to 1.6 of the text.
Today we reviewed the material using a trivia game. Monday we will do a formal review.
Sience 8
Test on cell day 5 for 8E and day 1 for *L1 and 8L2
Cell project due Friday of next week Oct 5th. Students are being given time to work on projects in class. If students have chosen an option that needs to be done at home, they are to be using class time to work on homework for other classes or using the time to do their AR reading. I can't wait to see the cells alive.
Rubric for how the projects are marked is placed below.